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A case of "connect the dots" between foriegn mining interests, Trump and public land


Active member
Aug 4, 2015
A case of "connect the dots" between foriegn mining interests, Trump and public land

Don't Piss on My Boots and Tell me its Raining....

As some of you might know, Minnesota BHA and Sportsman for the Boundary Waters teamed up to push for The Obama administration to block a plan to build a giant copper and nickel mine adjacent to the Boundary Waters, the largest chunk of uncut forest and wilderness in the eastern US.

The president did just that, citing the massive amount of environmental threat this mine posed to one of the few wilderness's left of its size.

The Chilean mining company immediately sued and as soon as President Trump took office, there has been a lot of discussion on getting the decision reversed.

This is a very real threat, and recently published information shows exactly the kind of under the table stuff that goes on in DC.

As it turns out, the Chilean billionaire who owns the mining company recently bought a 5.5 million dollar mansion in Washington DC, that is now the home of newlyweds and first time DC renters, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.

This home was purchased last December, right around the time Trump took office. Coincidence?

Lets hope Trump wasn't feeding us a big spoonful of bull pucks when he said he was for Public Land.
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Also, Minnesota Representative Rick Nolan is one of those pushing for the reversal, and is in fact a Democrat, showing that these threats come from all sides, even if only one party actually has it written down as part of their platform.
That Chilean copper company had a different name many years ago before many wink wink bankruptsies and rebirths and err, different wink wink owners.
Anaconda Copper.

Another call to be made. Your congressman & mine.
Yes! Stop buying all products that use copper and nickle. Tell your friends to do the same.

Mining anywhere/everywhere regardless of impacts? Anyone here feeling priced out of the copper and nickel product markets yet?
Mining anywhere/everywhere regardless of impacts? Anyone here feeling priced out of the copper and nickel product markets yet?

Show me a copper or nickel mine that isn't already in an area that is special to someone or doesn't come with impacts? Projects like this are tough for me. As a miner myself I know how things can be done to severely lessen the impacts of mining. I also know that not every square inch of the earth needs to be mined. To be honest I am not sure what the right answer is in every case
Show me a copper or nickel mine that isn't already in an area that is special to someone or doesn't come with impacts? Projects like this are tough for me. As a miner myself I know how things can be done to severely lessen the impacts of mining. I also know that not every square inch of the earth needs to be mined. To be honest I am not sure what the right answer is in every case
I'm with you. I just gave a knee jerk reply to a knee jerk comment. I'm guessing Bambi and I have about an equal amount of knowledge regarding this proposal, which is not enough to make an informed decision. Unless of course you say mine anywhere/everywhere.