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$750 buffalo hunt

Were currently selling a couple of hunts in South Dakota. Just an hour north of Valentine, NE. Were selling a Trophy Bull for $1500, Smaller Meat Animal $800. This includes lodging.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-26-2003 12:40: Message edited by: bisonhunter ]</font>
Washington Hunter, I bet you pay a downpayment, so they know you're coming. This would cover lodging, their time, etc. If you get a bison, you pay the rest of the price for the bison you get. If you like an $800 one, you shoot that and pay that. If you shoot a $1500 one, you pay that. If you shoot one of each, you pay $2300. That's the way it works a lot down here. Its a good system for all concerned in a lot of ways. Maybe Bisonhunter will answer exactly for his bison. Could I get one next year or the year after Bisonhunter? I've wanted a buffalo hide for a while and haven't worked it out yet.
Sorry, This is my first chat experience, so its taking me a bit to figure out. We plan on doing this for a long time. We are Sioux and are trying to get some of our natural animals surrounding us again.
Does smaller meat animals include bulls with less than trophy standards?
they are not buffalo hunts they are buffalo shoots, can anyone say GAME FARM?
So I get this from our emails...

4 can hunt a weekend comfortably.
Price is $1,500.
(Usually a 2-3 year old weight 900-1300, with a clean weight of 450-700
4 year old, 1500-1800, 700-1000
6 year old, over 2000 lbs, 1300 clean)
You would suggest the winter months
It's $50 to skin a small animal and $75(this gets the head and cape)
Butchering takes 2 weeks
$.35 is for cutting up and wrapping.
$150 for Shipping

Did I miss anything ?
YAH , I can Say Game farm.. I can Also say 280 Is a fugg wad... Mostly becasue It's my board though

I wanted to hunt the "FREE RANGING" bison here in Idaho 280 but I have yet to draw a permit... Ohh wait, thats cuz It won't happen, non here

Call it a shoot, Call it a hunt, Call it rounding up the Cow with horns.. Either way I'm gonig to get one one day... And call it FUN !!!!!
Its South Dakota, not Montana 280. They can call it what they want, you call it what you want, they are different from you. He's called Buffalo hunter, he's in South Dakota. You probably don't know what it is their, you're just jumping in half cocked, NPR called it buffalo hunts originally here. Complain to them, see if they listen. A buffalo hunt is different than an elk hunt in the mountains, everybody knows that. They are two different kinds of hunts.
Just because 280 is packing 2" of meat.. doesn't mean he's 1/2 Cocked there tom.. thats all he has.... And By his posts in the past, I'm assuming he's ALL @#)(#
predictable, and exactly the response I thought I would get from who I got it from,LOL
Tom, Moosie, Now I understand what my father meant about opinions. He used to tell me that they were like assholes. Everybody had one and everyone thought everyone elses stinks. He was talking about 280...

Hey, If you put one of these HUNTS together, I would like to go along... $2000 isn't bad for 700 pounds of meat and a cape and skull...

Yeah......set it up Moosie, it can be yet another hunt Danr backs out on you on!
.....and here is another thought....instead of the $2000 Danr was talking about.....for those on a stretched budget, you could carpool out......pick out a big fat cow bison......whack 'er in the ass about 4 or 5 times.....and get out for half price.....skinning and butchering time cut in half due to massive ass-trauma.....saving funds and work at the same time! Yet, you still get the photo-op and about half a hide to call your own!.....we'll just call it the "plan B" hunt.
Well folks, you can call it what you want and you can also make it what you want. Yes, you can drive up to an animal and shoot it. If you know the personalty of the bison, when they are threatened they don't run, they think they are running the show and will face you down. Also, you can have fun with it and get out of the vehicle and face the animal. I'm pretty sure your 6', 200lb self will feel a little differently when you face an animal that doesn't know what the heck you are and the minute they realize your a threat I'm betting on it that their going to make it worth you wild. Also, we're talking 800 to 1500 for an animal. If you want the 10,000 acres and needle in the haystack hunt they are available and they cost quite a bit more, and there is no guarantee that you will get an animal. And guess what, I bet you'd be upset with that scenario also.
Tell you what DS, You call GW and tell him to postpone this party in Iraq until after the Buff hunt. That will assure that Danr shows up... Seems that Mr. Moosie and I are 1 and 1 for not showing up though...

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