
387 elk


Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa
my buddy just called me and he said he got a 387 7x7 elk out of Montana---not very wide, but long points, the 3rds were like 22" long and mass to die for--he should email me some pics next week and if I can get them on the site I will---chris
You mean it wasnt taken "on" california.

Im speaking of the CA elk petting ranch. Not a fenced operation at all. But if Hornseeker could afford to hunt there he'd shoot a 589 b&c bull.
589!!!!!!!!! I'm saving up! How many penny's will it take? I'll bet I could save up 800-1000 dollars in the next year....will that secure me a spot?

SUtton, did you go to the Salmon yet???
HS--yea we went and came out empty handed--I ran over a cow elk on Hwy 21 on our way in to Stanley--that's as close as we got--jinxed us for sure---oh well we had fun--saw one measley buck also-
we went into Loon Creek right next to the Diamond D ranch--packed in a mile for our camp and then hunted out of there--pretty much void of wildlife when we there--saw 2 cows and 3 calves one day and the next we saw 2 cows and 3 calves(probably the same ones) and maybe 8 does and some fawns--we hiked in like 6-8 miles, climbed up some steep mtns and it was the same whereever we went---my brother's knee and achilles were hurting him so it limited us a little--lot of burned out timber--we saw elk sign-old, so I know they're in there at sometime, probably early season---chris
If my ankle and knee wouldnt have been hurting the results still would have been the same. No animals to kill in that area period.

I still think i could have landed a 200lbs + csutton7 and strapped some branches on his head and called it a success. lol

Theres always next year and pheasant season is opening next weekend.
Chris - Ive never hunted there, wish i had the disposable $ to do it though. Id sure like to see the pic if you get it.
should have pics tomorrow he says--more info--it only has a 32.5" inside spread, but he says the first 5 points are long and it's got mass, 60" of mass --7x7 with the back end curving or twisting or something--he says it looks like the back has been melted--guess we'll have to see to understand--doesn't look like your classic bull, but it greens 387---one of our other buds took a 350ish classic lookin' bull also---doubt if I get pics of that one--we'll see...

I hear ya on the disposable income part--

Bullshit--would've been a texas heart shot for you, but really I'm old and tasteless now, so you were smart to save your bullet--not that it would've mattered I didn't put any powder in those reloads ;) .........chris
you can't see it in this pic, but on his left side the 6th point is small--maybe an inch long--9"+ bases and the smallest circumference was 7 1/4"---chris
Dandy bull there. Dont know about 387??? If thats after deducts then I find it even harder to beleive it's that big. Not saying it doesnt by any means but I have my doubts.

So what kind of dough is one talking to go to this "petting ranch" and get a bull like that?
Great bull..Chris,

What do you mean "the sixth point is small"? I see six very nice points on both sides. Is there another point in there somewhere?

387 green gross--my bud didn't have all the measurements with him, but the 3rds are 21-22" long if I remember, brows are 20" or better, 32.5" inside spread, 60" of mass, main beams he didn't say, and the swords and 5ths he didn't say, but the 4ths are over 20" and the 5th's look at least 16" long and are probably longer--one 6th pt was 7" long and the other was one inch--that's all I can recall from what he said in our 2 conversations--I'm guessing it will be close to 370-375 net gross--of course there's no accounting for measuring methods, but the guides do a pretty good job of getting close--

you can't get on this ranch unless you're invited--the outfitter/ranchowner allows 25-27 bull (rifle) hunters a year--all weeks are spoken for well ahead of time--we have bud who got us on because he's been hunting there for 20yrs or very close to it and cuz 2 guys dropped out one year and our bud pushed for us to get in--pretty much the same for all weeks, guys keep returning and hold their spots--not sure of the cost anymore as it's been 3 yrs since I've gone, plus the owner doesn't want it spread around and I have to honor his wishes--chris

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