Caribou Gear

313 partial closure.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2015
MT —> AZ
313 will close tomorrow 11/7 at noon from the park border to Little Trail creek.
I've heard stories about the old "firing line". Someone with more knowledge can chime in, but I was thinking they had already done something to prevent that from happening again.
...I was thinking they had already done something to prevent that from happening again.
Previously Deckard Flats and areas closer to the road between Gardiner and Jardine were closed to prevent the harvest of excessive numbers of migrating elk, but apparently that was not successful so the area has been extended north to create a much larger "buffer zone" for protection of the deep snow event mass elk movement. Then beginning Monday, the area opens again to accomodate the limited number of permit holders to hunt. It would be fun year to have drawn one of those permits.
Having witnessed the Deckard Flats debacle many years ago, I can only say that the "hunting " which took place was not my kind of hunting.

Sitting on a ridge high up Eagle Creek many years ago, I watched as thousands of elk poured down every ridge and drainage in Yellowstone Park, migrating north toward the boundary. It looked like a vast army of ants extending across the hills and valleys as far as you could see, all moving together. It was beautiful to behold.

My son, in high school then, shot a nice bull up on the mountain and followed it down several miles toward the road where it stopped by a fence, unable to even cross. A chevy suburban full of bubbas stopped and dropped it, then took it from a very disappointed young hunter who had even thanked them for putting it down. Although disappointed that the Northern Yellowstone elk herd has so significantly been reduced in numbers ... I am thankful that the era of the elk migration "slaughter" has ended.

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