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3/21/05 Start to the Bear season.. (pics)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Well.. today was the first day for many to come.. And the kids loved it !!


Old Bread ? I don't think so dad... it still tastes good !!


Even the Neighborhood kids came over to help !!

I just got the bread and NO twinkies this time. Twinkies come later in the season.. Don't you know anything .. GOSH !! ;)

We're not allowed to bait util the opener, April 15th. So I'm jsut getting bread and Drying it out to make it lighter and before the season hits and everyone that doesn't think of it before hits the stores. By opener of bear season I'm a Regular and I have first pick. (Well, I know one of the ladies real well too so that helps :p)
Down here in God's Country we use a dough or dip bait for catfishing. This sh#t will run a dog off a gut wagon! Would something like that rubbed all over a rough barked tree work? Or how about a bucket of Hoop net cheese! After those bears eat enough of that you can take a nap and just wait for their breath to wake you up. Just trying to help ya'll out. P.S. Try puting some of that catfish dip on your boots as you walk to you bait site, reapply as neccessary!
Thanx for the Info Draftstud, Just kidding on the cats ;)

We use alot of things. We mix in Dog food, oil's, grease, fruits, and whatever else we can Find. I'd have to say Bread is the biggest ingrediant. With the bread comes teh Twinkies, and other pasteries too.

Sat I go down and get twice as much bread as I jsut did. Tis the season :)
Baiting 2 sites ... BAitsite "C" (River crossing) and Site "F" (the canyon Warren is heading to we're switch hunting with him) and trust me.... we have pleanty of stuff :) Hit the store yesterday again. Another Truckload. ( Minus the choc. donuts and the few breakfast muffins we ate while unpacking .... :p ) :




YEp, I think it will be good !!!

Here is 55 gallons of molass's that went to more manageable sizes. I think molass's is 11lbs / gallon. 5 gallons is a heavy load, let alone the 55 gallon container I got it in :D



15 days and counting.......
I go to the day old bread shop, This year We're doing everything pre season.... we have alot of stuff to say the least :)

Since MtMiller loves pictures of me getting bait together I have a few more pictures from today !!!

Since today was a good day, We decided to dry a truckload of bread out :


We layed the bread out over the Driveway and the sun dried it out. It weighs 1/2 what it normally does and lasts forever without gonig moldy if you take the moisture out. I just leaned that this year From Steve Alderman with Lowland Mulies. He's taken alot of nice bears and shared with me :


Once it was dry on the one side I went through and flipped all the bread over and dried out the other side... took some time but this batch is all done. Then I used the Snow shovel and scooped it in a Pile and then put it in Box's and Game bags. buy picking it up with a dust pan....

every year that seems like so much work to kill a nust be a big rush to kill one or the work wouldnt seem worth it. good luck this year.
Alot of things in Life seem like "WORK" to people. take Elk hunting for Example. sometimes we kill an Elk 4 canyons back and there is alot of Hiking , deboning, heavy packing, blisters, Etc. I personally love it, Others don't like leaveing the truck.

I think a garden is alot of work. I can work 1 extra hour a summer and make more money then what what we save in the garden by growing our own. That being said, the wife likes it.... so I spen hours upon hours upon wasted hours in that stupid garden.

So yes, Lotza work, but to me it's fun :D

Just a waiting game now ;)
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