2015 Fresh Tracks whiteboard

Not sure. To me, lion hunting is about the dogs and the handler-dog relationship. I am still trying to figure out how a guy who doesn't have dogs, me, can be part of a compelling story about the dogs.

I did apply for a limited entry lion tag this year in MT, but did not draw. The person who encouraged me to do so understands the storytelling aspects of TV. I think with him, we could pull off a good story. Other than that, I am still trying to get my head around what the story would be with Randy just showing up and shooting a lion treed by another person's dogs. I wouldn't hesitate at all to accept such an invite if provided, just probably wouldn't bring cameras along unless I knew a good story could be told.

I've killed 3 by dog, and 4 by calling. If your in the right environment you might call a cat, wolf, or coyote. What else do you have going this time of year?
Sharptails and waterfowl on the Valentine Refuge in Nebraska. Could do a deer hunt there too. Awesome country!
Originally Posted by AH_14 View Post
any chance of a Montana lion hunt ever being on Fresh Tracks?? Love that idea, i would love to see you and your guys/friends/crew put your personal touch on a Montana DIY Lion Hunt in the winter. I have never been lion hunting and may try to tag along with a friend soon.
Not sure. To me, lion hunting is about the dogs and the handler-dog relationship. I am still trying to figure out how a guy who doesn't have dogs, me, can be part of a compelling story about the dogs.

"I did apply for a limited entry lion tag this year in MT, but did not draw. The person who encouraged me to do so understands the storytelling aspects of TV. I think with him, we could pull off a good story. Other than that, I am still trying to get my head around what the story would be with Randy just showing up and shooting a lion treed by another person's dogs. I wouldn't hesitate at all to accept such an invite if provided, just probably wouldn't bring cameras along unless I knew a good story could be told."

Plenty of story-line with this cat and most others. Most cat hunting videos only show the tree and the kill shot. That constitutes very little of the entire hunt. On this hunt with my friend there was the drama of the decision to let a small cat go on the first day of the hunt while wondering what the chances of finding another were. Then, there was the fresh track that we didn't dare turn the dogs out on because of fresh wolf tracks that littered the area. Finally, after walking a day-old track for four hours and nearly three miles before letting the dogs out, this was the result. Having seen how you power through the woods though, I think you could have probably walked this one to exhaustion. :) 2015 is your year to draw.


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Gerald Martin-

Those are some awesome pics. I grew up running coonhounds, I sure miss hunting over good dogs. Never had to worry about wolves though..
I'd watch the grouse episode for sure. Or, come back in the winter and track some snowshoe hares around for a day or two.

A coues hunt in Arizona would definitely be fun to watch!

I'd also like to see you chasing sheep around the breaks, so maybe see if you can make that happen :)
All that and the guy doesn't have heated and cooled seats! Mrs. Fin needs to help you out! LOL KEEP DOING WHAT YOU DO, we all appreciated it, especially with the RMEF!

Just wanted to say I really enjoy the show and all the work you do outside of the show. That said here are a couple of hunts that you might want to look at for the show that would get you back to the upper midwest.

1. Deer hunt in Porcupine Mtns. Once I found out about it, it got on my todo list. Check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArOy_BgTouI

2. Hunting the Apostle Islands in WI. They have a special hunt there where you can use muzzel loader in Oct. The down side to that one is the time of year that it falls, right in the prime of western big game.

Just a couple of ideas to keep in mind if you do get to come back to the midwest to do another episode.

I think people would enjoy seeing a grouse hunt / where it all started episode. It's not about what your hunting or if you get anything. It's the story. Tell it well and it will be great.

Best of luck in 2015!
Is the Fresh Tracks crew heading back to SE AK for black bear this spring? I thought I recognized a couple of names on the "Successful Applicants List."
Does Idaho deer have a species designation right now?
Very cool, Randy. One of my hunting goals is to complete the "Alaska Self-Guided Slam" in which a guy hunts for the easy-to-draw species that don't require a guide (moose, black bear, Sitka blacktail deer, and caribou). You have 3 of the 4 on your 2015 radar. I look forward to seeing how it all plays out.
Does Idaho deer have a species designation right now?

Are you asking if we are hunting ID deer this year? Maybe. Depends upon what tags we have and how we fill out the rest of the schedule. Since October looks so slammed, I doubt and ID hunt would be muleys, rather later in November, which would have to be whitetail. Again, just depends upon what tags come in before the ID draw deadline.

I can assure you I am going to AK for blacktail in early August. Those plans are well underway with a friend from POW. If anyone knows a cool place to film these deer, it is JB. He will be using a traditional Hawken blackpowder musket. I'll probably have the 7mm-.08. He informs me that his favorite alpine deer spot requires six hours of hiking through Devil's Club and gaining 2,000' vertical in a very short horizontal distance. Don't think I will tell the camera guy that fact until we get there.
Are you asking if we are hunting ID deer this year? Maybe. Depends upon what tags we have and how we fill out the rest of the schedule. Since October looks so slammed, I doubt and ID hunt would be muleys, rather later in November, which would have to be whitetail. Again, just depends upon what tags come in before the ID draw deadline..

I was curious if you were thinking whitetail or mule deer. A mountain whitetail hunt done well would be fantastic, and something I haven't seen on any of the networks before.
I can assure you I am going to AK for blacktail in early August. Those plans are well underway with a friend from POW. If anyone knows a cool place to film these deer, it is JB.
I am very jealous that you get to hunt blacktails with JB.
I can't wait to hear how the POW Sitka Blacktail hunt unfolds and to see the episode. A 6 hour hike thru devils club must lead to something cool or you guys are nuts. :)

That is on my short list for sure!
I am very jealous that you get to hunt blacktails with JB.


I am very jealous that you get to hunt blacktails with JB.

Every year I want to hunt with a great hunter very few have ever heard of. That got started on a MT whitetail hunt in 2009. ;) JB surely fits that mold.

He and I have been threatening to do this since the show started. I figured if I did not take him up on that idea, he would eventually rescind the offer. And, I'm not sure how much longer my body will be capable of fighting vertical Devil's Club jungles for six hours with heavy packs.

JB's name is a common entry in the top tier of B&C Sitka blacktails, including #11 and #12. Not that either he or I really are focused on shooting record book bucks, but whenever I hunt with someone as experienced as him, I learn a lot. Much of what I learn on those trips is applicable to other places and species that I hunt.
Not that JB.

This "JB."


One who never hunts with a center fire, rather an open-sighted flash pan musket that spits his homecast round balls, sporting plaid and wool, with suspenders and logging boots. He was sporting the beard look way back when Willie Robertson was still in college wearing polo shirts and putting shoe-goo in his preppy haircuts.

Hunting has a small group of "Been there done that" guys who really don't talk much about what they've done or where they've been. JB is one of them. Should be a great time and a really great episode to talk about how he hunts these cool deer and the weapon he chooses to do so.

If it works out good, we might try to sneak two episodes from it; one for the season we just filmed that starts airing in July and one for the season that will air starting in July 2016.
That's awesome. My dad hunts almost exclusively with his flintlock these days. He made me a Hawken a few years back. Dad and I will be waiting on this episode for sure. I can't imagine a worse climate for traditional black powder firearms than SE Alaska. I look forward to seeing this!
Looks like another great season Randy. We'll have to reopen the AZ elk discussion, when/if Mrs Fin becomes receptive to you doing that hunt again.
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