NEW SITKA Ambient 75

2013 AZ Archery Bull

Between the way mother nature acted and the army of delta bravo's roaming the hills, that is a stellar bull amigo- Congratulation on a well earned trophy. Hate I wasn't able to be there when you sealed the deal.

Some quick knowledge that was bestowed on me during my short stint on this hunt:
1. we could have done without mother nature trying to reach the total annual rainfall average in the 7 days prior to the hunt. Still pressure washing mud out from under truck.
2. Bulls opening weekend didn't care one way or the other about cow calls but would give you enough bugle responses to get you close, then shut down right about the time you needed to close that last 50yrds. I think they were mocking us....
3. Quick memo to the five guys of F-Troop; had you slowed it down and looked to your right, maybe you have seen the bull all by his lonesome with his head jammed in a tree. Then again, maybe you wouldn't have....well done....
4. Second morning of the hunt, we closed on what looked to be a solid mid 360's at 90 yards. Trying to coax he and his cows to come a little further our way after a stealthy Dodge diesel pick up attempted to turn around in the thicket they were in was a little more difficult than it sounds. We did however manage to trick a little rag bull into about thirty yards. I think he started to panic when he realized he was the only elk within a 2 mile radius.
5. Running late does not mean you should drive through the belly of a draw that carried close to 100 elk the day before- at daybreak, with the radio on- to save time. It makes the two Kats who hiked in early to be in position slightly annoyed.
6. When attempting to get "aggressive" by bugling and breaking branches: it helps when the tree you choose to rake, is structurally sound especially if you are using it as cover too. If that first kick knocks the tree completely over, leaving you exposed looking like an idiot, it wasn't the right tree. Also, the sound a reed make because you're laughing at yourself for kicking a tree over and nearly choke on it, will not win any calling contests.

It was only three days but a fun three days it was..

Thanks for letting me hang for the weekend Stan, I had a ball bud.

It was a pleasure following along with the play by play. I really don't know of a down tone in the whole hunt, which speaks volumes of the adventure! John
Nice bull, way to stick it out.

Did your camera die? Just wondering why you used a trail camera for your trophy photo. :D
Great bull and great story!! All of you guys just keep me guessing what I'll read next. Too funny!!
Did your camera die? Just wondering why you used a trail camera for your trophy photo. :D

Ha, it does look like a TC pic! By the time I got all my crap gathered and the camera set up, it was basically dark. The flash was brutal, B&W seemed to tone it down a little.

I suspect a ASEH 2013 award here shortly.

Word is it's a landslide victory........