Sitka Pre Season Savings

2012 oregon spring bear

First bear of the year spotted this evening. Pretty good boar but not meant to be and not really what I was looking for anyhow. Anybody else having success in Oregon?
Ive gone out last 2 weekends in wilson/trask unit,,,some deer,some elk,,,no bears,,,,lots of motorcycle riders everywhere,,,havnt seen any bear sign at all yet,,,even in hike in areas i know.
There are areas in western oregon that primarily are motorcycle riding areas{close to portland,close to lots of people}there were absolutly nobody in that area hunting spring bears this weekend,,,lots of other people out recreating and doin there thing,,,public land,,,I dont have a problem with that,public land is for all to enjoy in there own ways whether they are hunting,cutting firewood,or riding motercycles or mtn bikes.some of the areas with some of the good clear cuts are in this zone,ive got other areas also to check out.
just so ya know,,,I havnt put a single mile on my quad this year yet, but have already done some hikin miles on foot for spring bear.

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