MTNTOUGH - Use promo code RANDY for 30 days free

2 - $50 PRIZE's !!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
To the winner of this new contest that I am putting together for '02.

I want to see a picture of you in a hat with your "ELK" this year. I don't care if it's the Cammo, orange or white HAT !!!! I don't care from what state or with what weapon !! I will get all the entirs by Dec 31st and then compile them all on a webpage and we will vote for the best picture. 2 of the entries will get $50 cash from me !!!!

ALL pictures must be sent to : [email protected]

Pictures will be voted on several things. there will be a 1-5 score on Items like this :

1: How well you can read the hat.

2. How well the picture was taken, (I.E. Is the hunter centered and not have a leg cut off, or is there cool things in the background... Stuff like that).

3. The story that goes with it that will be 100 words or less.

ALSO, this is for 2002 hunts only. And no cropping pictures of this year with you're hat onto an old picture ;)

Right now there are "0" entry's ;) KEEP that in mind. If you want to buy a hat visit this link.

~~~~~ * H E R E * ~~~~~

I would hope there are -0- enteries, I would hate to see some one planting a picture of an elk they already plugged this year...LOL!!! :D
Well Hey I am a shoein for this one.. I am great at photography.. and I will have VIpe add the sound effects....
Oh how quickly you forget Delwee... This is still Arizona and Elk tags are still hard to draw. How the heck do we take a picture of our Elk, if we don't draw a tag??

Uh MAYBE I need to get a picture to the T's up there ?!?!?! OOPS
I will real soon.. like in the next 6 months I promise :rolleyes:
Just ordered alot of hats and T's ... will be in next Friday (fingers Crossed)....

LEmme know, I'm guessing that there is maybe 2 dozen hats floating around ?!??!! You can't beat them odds, Can ya
Does the elk have to be visible. I have alot of problems with my animals liquifying when I shoot them. While they make good shakes, they dont look so good in photos. Is a picture of me holding a skake OK. What if the shake says McDonalds on the cup. Will you take my word that it is indeed an elk? You should as my mother told me to never lie.

S. Fecl
Twolf.... I'll get a quick pic up in the AM.......

FECLNOGN, Order a hat, And take your picture with a SHAKE.... I'll take your word that it's an ELK... AND believe you me, I don't trust just anyone
HAHA !!!!
Does Pug or Greeny have a hat?????......because if those two are in it.....I declare the competition rigged!!!!! :eek: sheep pix qualify???? ;) DS

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-16-2002 13:56: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>

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