1st time antelope hunt


New member
Dec 12, 2009
I'm planning on my 1st antelope this year with my son (his first big game hunt) and am thinking WY as my best choiceto go. I was thinking 27, and 7 for 2nd choice after checking other posts. I'm not interested in a trophy just lots of opportunities to stalk and hopefully harvest 1. I see that some paid a trespass fee does anyone have contact numbers for those owners, or where I could find a listing? Spot and stalk seems to be the prefered method for hunting antelope but I'ld welcome any suggestions. I hunt in the east and most of the hunting here is close range and stand hunting.
You can go on Wy. website and find all the hunter management units and walk in areas for each unit;they are free.If nothing in your unit, then you can contact the regional office for landowners.I'm more then sure you will have your opportunities at a antelope in Wy.They're are alot of fun and pretty action packed hunt.I have alot of fun every time I hunt them
Areas you mentioned are covered by the Sheridan Regional office and they can e-mail you a list of the ranchers who do trespass. Be advised; I know of one who charges $300 for a buck, so if you want to go that way it would pay to call every one on the lists. If you can wait 'til after Christmas, just alert me with a PM and I can give you the fruits of 3 months of research.
I hunted area 29 this past year, its just North of Douglas, WY. I can tell ya that Douglas Chamber of Commerce website had a list of ranchers that do the tress pass fee. Not real sure where 27 is but ya might try something like that. You can also call the local warden for that area to get lists of names and numbers. I would start looking ASAP because some book up early for the beginning of the season. I can also tell ya .. if there isn't large (roadless) blocks of public ground, the trespass fee is soo nice ... because the road hunters in 29 had the antelope ran out onto private land.
Thanks to all for the help. I'm sure that I will be posting more questions and would really appreciate any help with answers. Happy New Year to all.

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