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  1. S.Dak Drifter

    Famed Yellowstone bear article and public perception While describing the bear the author states, "And no grizzly has done more, through her own behavior, to change a perception that members of her species are temperamental menaces ready to attack...
  2. S.Dak Drifter

    Raffles , Raffles, Raffles

    Well having just thrown my name in the hat for the SD RMEF elk tag raffle, I'm curious who else likes to play the raffles? What are your go to, can't resist raffles?
  3. S.Dak Drifter

    When is enough, enough?

    As I have learned more and more about drawing tags in the west- I ask myself, when is enough, enough? It seems that in almost any state that has preference points, there is point creep. Abysmal or true 0% draw odds for umpteen units due to creep. Is there any solution to this problem? When are...
  4. S.Dak Drifter

    [Update] Pronghorn around Badlands of SD

    Anyone here ever hunted for antelope around the Badlands? I drew a tag for this area and it happens to be my first ever pronghorn tag. That being said, any information is very appreciated, thanks...
  5. S.Dak Drifter

