Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

You know you are a Redneck....

Lady Hunter in AZ

New member
Dec 15, 2000
Kingman. AZ USA
A family of Rednecks went to a big mall in a big city. While the wife went shopping the Father and Son went looking around. They come up to a silver wall. Everytime someone step up to it the doors would open.

The son asked his father what is that? The father answer I have never seen anything like that in my whole live. They continue to watch. Then a lady in a wheelchair pushes the button and the silver wall opens up. She gets in and the wall closes. Above are the numbers and they start to flash as the box of a room goes up. Then the numbers start going in the reverse way. The wall of silver opens up and out steps this Beautiful Blonde. The Father and son look at one another. The Father tells the son to go get is Momma.

Now you know the rest of the story!!!!! ;)
Good one