Wyoming Bear Party

The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
I downloaded a ton of photos from the weekend hunt in Wyoming - photos should tell the story. Pat and I went down and camped with our resident guide, Buzz, who's still down there, hopefully skinning a bear, as he's got to take off tomorrow. Weather was tough, rainy and wet. Pat didn't mess around - we snowshoed up a ridge, and in an hour had seen 4 bears. He passed a nice brown one right off the bat, and decided to make a run on a studly black boar, trailing a little brown sow. We dropped the snowshoes, bailed off the ridge and Pat got to within 530m to make a great shot. We waded the creek, located the bear and notched his tag.





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The trip back across the water wasn't so good, even with chest waders. Pat slipped on a rock and went down about 15 yards or so. Thankfully he had his rifle strapped on this time.

Next day we decided to go in from another direction, driving as far up the mtn as snow would allow. We snowshoed to the kill, it was probably 6 miles, but better than drowning.

It was wet and rainy, but we took some great photos of the bear, and avoided any real misery. It's always a great day to skin a bear.




Took around 3hrs to get back to the truck.. raining most of the time.



Weather made glassing difficult this weekend, but Buzz and I had a great evening last night, while Pat was registering his bear with the warden. We ended up seeing 13 bears, 6 of which were "blonde" Four of those blondes were cubs. None were sizy enough for Buzz to try for. It was raining hard this AM, hopefully he's able to connect today.



Amazing pics Greenhorn....much appreciated, it's hi 90's & humid here.

Nice bear BRunner.
It was just a great weekend of hunting, chewing the fat with other avid hunters, and enjoying some awesome country. Pat and I joked about picking up an Idaho tag for on the way home. Good to see somebody has the same bear sickness I do, and will still hoot and hollar like a teenager when making a great shot and recovering an animal. I bet people in Rock Springs could have hear him when he found the bear.
The only bummer of the weekend is when some locals pilfered the ice chest in the back of Buzz's truck last night. They only took the Budweiser.
Awesome pictures. Sounds like a great hunt.
Congrats on nailing another toad Pat.

By the way, I could totally dig you doing write up's like this more often.
I was hoping for some good pictures, you didn't disapoint. Looks like a pretty fun weekend, congrats on shooting a large bear, again, Pat. That water looks COLD.
Wow, what a hunt. Looks cold and miserable from the pics. But having that giant on the ground would make it much much better.

530m, good lord, what a shot!!

You guys carry dry suits for that crap?
Looks like a good time, rain or no rain. Very nice bear too.

That river crossing looks pretty hairy, especially in the dark. Glad ya'll made it ok.

Great pictures as always,

Thanks GH.
Wow, you guys are hardcore hunters! How did he like his new blue widow pack? Any complaints about the load lifters?;):rolleyes:
The only bummer of the weekend is when some locals pilfered the ice chest in the back of Buzz's truck last night. They only took the Budweiser.

That is a hanging offense here in Colorado. Better off leaving a man with no protection or transportation. Sheesh.
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The trip back across the water wasn't so good, even with chest waders. Pat slipped on a rock and went down about 15 yards or so. Thankfully he had his rifle strapped on this time.

I did that in the Colorado river one November. No waders but swept WAY down with my gun over my head, water up to my neck. Cheap binos filled up with water. Aweful feeling. Made me a believer in bridges. I can see why you would walk way around the next day.

Glad everyone made it out ok.
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Awesome writeup and pictures.

Great looking big blackie Pat.
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