Wyoming app in !


New member
Feb 18, 2014
With so many choices it was hard to decide but after doing my home work I got my application in this morning. Happy to be done.
I put in for 63-1 with max points, hopefully I will be headed there at the end of September. My buddy drew in 2012 and he ended up with a 340 class bull, we saw a few bigger, wish me luck.
I only done my first choice and left the other blank,with only a 45 % chance at dawing ,if not successful I will look for a leftover or try Colorado_Only interested in archery seaon this year.
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Is 62 good in 61 too or is that the other way around?

61-1 is good for areas of unit 62 that are south of Avalanche creek inside the Washakie wilderness. That's 15+ miles up the river from the trail head so if you are expecting to be hunting unit 62 on a 61 tag you will need to be WAY back in there.
Finally got my app in this morning. Really had a hard time deciding on which long shot unit to apply for with my 1st choice special tag. Quite a few of the glory units don't have enough tags for nonresidents to end up with even a single tag available in the random section of the special draw. Rolled the dice on one with 1 tag available for a 1.4% draw odds in the random draw with the General as my back up in case I don't draw it. ;)
npaden, are you basing those odds and tag availability on last year's numbers or has g&f published this years tag availability? Just curious. I put in for a general tag for 1st choice.
This years tag numbers used for the NR draw are available with a public info request and $50, but you had to start the process a few weeks ago.
Hopefully the special tag, 2nd choice general thing still holds true. If not, I'll probably be buying a Idaho OTC or a Montana surplus. Dad and I are kinda banking on hunting Wyoming this year though.
I think whichever works better for you as far as timing and location. If you are familiar with one state vs. the other or not. Both are great tags and cost about the same. Plenty of good bulls in both states.