Wyoming Antelope Unit 27


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2011
U.P. of Michigan
I'm trying to plan a trip to Wyoming for an Antelope hunt this fall with my brother and a friend. We had originally planned on applying for a buck tag in unit 7 but things came up and we weren't sure if we would be able to go so we didn't apply. Now, we figured out we would be to go if we could pick up a few doe/fawn left-over tags. Anyway, all our research was for unit 7 and that area is sold out. We're now thinking about unit 27. I guess my question is will we be able to find some public land to hunt in that area if we get doe/fawn licenses. I know it's a good idea to buy the maps and do some research, which we will, but any info. on unit 27 would be appreciated. We are even open to trespass fees for private land in that unit.
From what other people have said, Unit 27 has a TON of public land with lots of antelope. I will be going there for my first trip there this fall. I've got the Thunder Basin National Grassland map which is for that unit and there is a lot of public land. I can't imagine it would take you more then a day to shoot some doe's. Maybe even just an hour or two.
Not quite as much public land in 29, but it also has a number of tags left and with a good map is another unit to look at near 27.
We'll be hunting 6,7, and 8. After hunting patchwork units like these, I don't know what I'd do with all that continuous public in a unit like 27.

I bet it'd be a good hunt.
Thanks for the replies ! Any info. is helpful. We are aware there are only 126 tags for unit 27, but we're hoping to get online right away July 20th and purchse a tag before there sold out. If so, we'll have to check into other units. We were concerned about public land there because Wyoming Game & Fish listed this as a unit which may be hard to find public land. Other sites online have said there is a ton of land to hunt. Any ideas on a where to stay in that area? We're even open to setting up a tent.
Thanks for the replies ! Any info. is helpful. We are aware there are only 126 tags for unit 27, but we're hoping to get online right away July 20th and purchse a tag before there sold out. If so, we'll have to check into other units. We were concerned about public land there because Wyoming Game & Fish listed this as a unit which may be hard to find public land. Other sites online have said there is a ton of land to hunt. Any ideas on a where to stay in that area? We're even open to setting up a tent.

We are hunting units with WAAYYYY less public land, and did so last year, and still had plenty of animals to go after.

I just took a look at 27 on my Garmin Basecamp maps, and there are some LARGE continuous pieces of public land...like hundreds of square miles.

You could stay in Newcastle or Gillette, but you'd have a pretty good drive every morning and evening. Maybe go with the tent route on public land.
Thanks for the replies ! Any info. is helpful. We are aware there are only 126 tags for unit 27, but we're hoping to get online right away July 20th and purchse a tag before there sold out. If so, we'll have to check into other units. We were concerned about public land there because Wyoming Game & Fish listed this as a unit which may be hard to find public land. Other sites online have said there is a ton of land to hunt. Any ideas on a where to stay in that area? We're even open to setting up a tent.

Thats got to be a typo....27 has more public land to hunt than you would ever need. You can set up camp just about anywhere though there are very few "good" spots to camp. With the opener on a Sat this year I expect the unit to be a zoo the first few days.
As far as 27 goes, there is no way that unit should be listed as hard to find accessible public land. I was in the unit for the opener last year and didn't think there was anywhere near as much human activity as I expected. Lots of road hunters, which is the usual way a lot of people think you have to hunt them---not so! Be aware that the Feds are cracking down on off road use and you must only camp within spitting distance of the roads that are marked and open for travel. You really should camp out there because 27 is hell and gone from any town that has lodging. When I mentioned unit 29 in my previous post, I was referring to lots of buck tags that are available right now for sale, so if you want to shoot one of them and a couple does, then get a good map and do the hunt in 29.
Again, thanks for the info. This will be our first Antelope hunting experience if we can get some left-over tags. I guess for now, we'll just have to get online July 20th and see if we can buy a tag before they sell out. After that, we'll have to order some BLM maps and a Thunder Basin map for unit 27. As far as lodging, sounds like tenting it is the way to go. Area 29 is another option like "06" said if we can't get 27 tags.
Well, all of us we were able to purchase a left-over tag today for unit 27...(4 of us). And I received my BLM maps and Thunder Basin map. Now we just have to finalize our lodging plans and some other minor details. Anyway, this will be our first Antelope hunting experience and we're looking forward to it, however I'm not real excited about the long drive. Oh well, it'll be worth it!
Thanks "wyoming556" I have that site saved as a favorite on my laptop. Over 100% success rate in unit 27; Boy, I'll feel real bad if I can't shoot one there! I'm just hoping we will be able to find some places to hunt and get into the Antelope quickly, seeing as how we'll only have about 4 to 5 days of actual hunting.
Start out on the southeast side of the Red Hills on your map over in the southcentral part of the unit not too far south of Antelope Creek and work your way east and you''ll find antelope!
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"topgun 30-06" thanks a lot for the information!!!! I never expected anyone to give me a detailed description of a good place to hunt. I went to my Thunder Basin map and I found the area you're talking about. That's a great starting point for us and will cut down on the time I figured it would take us to find a place to hunt. We've never been to the area so this information is extremely helpful. Again, thanks!!!!
I've been researching the wyoming leftover tags also and it looks to me like a lot of the units have leftover any antelope either sex tags. Is this correct?
Yep, you sure are. Most are in units from the Casper area east and north towards Gillette and north from there to Montana and west to the BigHorns. If you do your homework, there is plenty of public land in several units in the Grasslands to kill a good buck and/or up to 4 does. If I were you and want to go I would get tags in 29.
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I'm hoping to shoot one in unit 27 fairly quick then possibly buy another tag for unit 29 - if there are any left. Mix in some Coyotes and it'll be a good trip.

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