Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Wyo Mulie 2013


May 30, 2012
SE Wyoming
I won't bore you with many details. Hopefully the pics will tell a good enough story.
Decided to go hunt velvet mulies for 4 days in Early Sept.

Day 1 I saw lots of bucks in their beds. None really jumped out at me as one I wanted to poke a hole through. A couple were really close contenders but just not quite it.



This buck was in a really cool bed. I had just about decided to put a stalk on him when he walked down the draw and around the ridge to find a new bed. It would have been fun to shoot him between those boulders off the ledge above......:hump:






This guy was a real contender until I could tell he was missing a tine on his right side.


This guy had the look of a big deer but I just didn't get that "shoot that deer" feeling from him. Not sure if it was my angle from above or what but he's not as impressive as he looks.......


Could only see one side of this deer. Made the stalk to 40 yards and when I crawled over the little rise above him, could see he was also missing a tine on one side. Man, what is in the water this year? I stewed for a day or 2 about not shooting this buck.

Last buck of the evening was also in a good spot. I wasn't sure how big he was until he stood up at 26 yards. Not quite what I was looking for...........

That night my hunting pardner was pestering me to leave the 'stinky mulies' alone and go chase elk since I have a good limited quota tag in my pocket as well.

I decided to chase velvet in the morning and then make the trek to elk camp if I hadn't found a good deer.

We decided to glass from a couple big ridges 6 or 7 miles apart that morning. He ended up finding a pretty good buck and drove around to find me. I hiked down from my perch to his rig and we headed up the road. He tried described the buck to me as I barraged him with questions: "How wide; any extras; how many bucks with him; good location to stalk; etc....." His only reply was, " not sure on anything but you should shoot this buck!" :eek:

I was hoping that leaving my glassing perch wasn't a mistake.........

We parked and started the trek into where he had seen this buck. I was sidehilling a ridge - glassing then taking a few steps, then glassing and taking a few steps. As I crested the finger ridge in front of me to look into the biggest canyon, I saw velvet shining in the sunlight 90 yards under me. :cool:
I kneeled and instantly found 3 bucks in the sandstone and rocks. The best buck was about 26" outside and had matching 5" inlines on both G-2's. I looked him over for several minutes and agreed that I should shoot that buck. By then, Matt had crept up to my side. When he looked thorugh his binos, he grinned and told me to shoot that buck. I reached into my pocket for my camera to take a few pics and cringed when the camera wasn't there. :eek: It was still on the charger in the truck a couple miles away..........
Boots were off and I dropped over the ridge. I sidehilled until I reached a small finger ridge above him. I crawled along the backside, keeping the wind in my face. As I reached the point of the ridge I peeked over and could see him still underneath me. 36 yards to be exact! I could also see another buck up the bottom of the draw another 30 yards from him and then 2 other bucks right below him.

The sun was on his velvet, ears and back of the head, which is all that was sticking up above the rock he was snuggled up to. I knew that he would get up soon enough to change beds so I just hunkered down and waited. Wind was constant in my face and should be for an hour or two.

After 15 minutes one of his buddies got up and moved 10 yards further into the draw for some new shade. 5 minutes later a new buck walked around the finger ridge I was on and bedded below them as well. I just knew he was going to get up at any time. It looked like the sun was high enough that it had to be heating up his back. I was camped on that knoll for almost an hour when I felt the solid wind in my face go absolutely slack calm. I muttered under my breath as I knew what was about to happen.

I attached my realease and kneeled up - Heli'm at the ready. Sure enough, a little backdraft crossed the side of my head and neck and dropped off my perch. A buck that I still hadn't seen stood up to his left around the finger ridge. His posture said it all and the buck I wanted to shoot snapped his head to attention. I drew and waited..... Within 15 seconds there were 5 bucks on their feet looking around. He stayed in his bed, head frozen on his alert comrade. I'm sweet talking and sending calming telepathic messages to him when he blows out of his bed on a mulie bound for almost 150 yards. I let down on my draw and just shake my head in disbelief. I could have killed the 5 other bucks several times apiece but never had a semblence of a shot at him. :confused:

Oh, how I love hunting mature critters on their terms.

Matt and I visited there on the side hill for several minutes and decided to go chase Wapiti. 'Stinky Mulies' could wait........................

You sure found plenty of bucks! Thanks for the story and pics. Best of luck with the elk.
Man you have some high standards... Really cool to see all those bucks bedding up under rocks like that. Thanks for the pictures.
holy crap, u just might have the most restraint of any hunter ive ever known. i would have gladly shot any one of those
My first 30 incher......

Ended up having a great time elk hunting. Threw on the backpacks and spent 3 days glassing elk above timberline. Passed a 5pt at 12 yards, raghorn 4 at 14 yards, 315 type 6x7 at 40 yards and found a big bull to chase..................

Went back the next week to chase elk. Backpacked in and camped at 10,000 feet to hunt this bull that was living at 10,900.

Had him within bowrange monday night. He was broadside, headdown, and feeding with me at full draw....................... Since this is the DEER forum, I won't bore those hard-core mulie hunters with pics and stories of 2nd class elk. I'll try and get some pics and a story in the ELK section later this week. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I got out of the hills a day or two early from elk hunting so we went to try and kill my mulie. Found a nice buck still in velvet that first morning from one of my vantage points. I told my friend, Ben, that I was going to pass that first buck. Still not quite what I was looking for, especially on the tine length. After 3 or 4 hours and a little pondering, I told him we better go back and try to get an arrow in that buck. My 2 daughters also have the tag. If I harvested him with my bow, I'd free up a couple personal days later in October to take them with the rifle. Pretty hard juggling 3 hunting schedules/tags but I'd rather watch them hunt than me. It's starting to put into perspective what my dad gave up for me and my 2 older brothers.

We ended up finding the buck in his bed. I made the stalk and was perched above him at 18 yards but couldn't shoot. About then he stood to change positions. My Easton Injexion tipped with an Ulmer Edge sure did it's job. First animal I've ever harvested with a non-fixed blade broadhead (1st one I've ever shot!) and I couldn't believe the carnage.


Strapped on my Outdoorsamns Optics Hunter Pack for the ride out.

He's got an inch kicker on his left side. Outside to outside he's 29 7/8 UNLESS I go end of velvet fuzz to end of velvet fuzz, then he'll tape a touch over 30". I'm afraid I still haven't graduated into the 30 inch club yet.............

Great hunt to get to see that many deer. I love hunting them in the badlands. Saw a couple hunters on the roads, but never saw a soul out in the hills.
Can't wait for my girls rifle hunts to start in October. I'll let them shoot the first buck that makes them happy. No width, no score, no # of points. The first deer they want to kill, I'll do everything in my power to help them make an ethical harvest. Public Land DIY - on their terms! :W:
