Caribou Gear Tarp

WY or SD Deer Outfitter Suggestions ?


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
North Central, IN (the corn belt)
My buddy and I are thinking about dropping the coin next fall for a first rate guided deer hunt.
Any outfitters in the above mentioned states that you could recommend ? Somebody that would be fair, honest, and give us a good hunt ?
What kind of hunt are you looking for? whitetail/muley? What type of hunting? mountains/corn fields?

I am curious why you are asking about SD. Not that there are not some nice bucks there, but it would not be one of the first states I would think of for a big time hunt.

Good luck with the hunt.
If I wanted to kill a nice buck, I would just follow MTMiller around, waiting for 'seconds'....
I suggest WY only because I've been there a bunch, like it, understand the licensing system, and it's fairly easy to draw
non-res tags. SD because I've recently read a few articles about some good deer outfits, and because it's slightly closer to home.

First choice would be muleys, but wouldn't mind hunting somewhere where whitetails are an option too. We're pretty open minded in that regard, just want good hunting and reasonably high odds of success on above average animals.
Send me an email. I know a quality outfitter who runs his operation in Wyoming and Nebraska for mulies and whities. I'll be heading to Nebraska next weekend.
You beat me too it!

I would second the advise as to whom DK would recommend. Top notch, great guy, and operation.

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