PEAX Equipment

Worse than illegal immigrants!

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
We have a problem here in Boise that's worse than cjcj's illegal immigrant mess in AZ. PEOPLE DON'T TAKE THEIR YARD SALE SIGNS DOWN! They have a yard sale and leave the sign up on the telephone pole until it gets blown off by the wind! Usually it says "Yard Sale Saturday and Sunday", and has an arrow. I follow the arrow and there's no yard sale anywhere. So I stop and knock on a few doors and get told the yard sale was down the street about three weeks ago! This is a national problem that has a direct effect on the economy. People waste time looking for non existent yard sales when they could be buying stuff at current sales!

If cjcj would spend half as much time and energy on this problem as he does on illegals we might get some laws passed so the sonsabitches go to jail if they don't take their signs down.

Free Tibet!

I am against you on this one. You are an idiot and you probably eat Tofu!

I am all for people nailing yard signs to Power Poles, and encourage them to use the large roofing nails. If we can weaken the poles, cause more effort to the Power Company employees to climb the poles, then perhaps it will eventually become unprofitable for the Power Company to keep bringing electricity, so then we can Breach the Dams!!!!

And nonsense on your Free Tibet, the Dali Lama will always be free, as they can not imprison his Sole....
Man i didn`t know those yard sales people were MURDERING/ROBBING/RAPING/ and taking free medical/welfare etc. you guy`s must have some bad ass yard sales up there! ROFLMAO.
I'm standing with Ithaca on this one 100% (where's Tibet?). I pointed out to Vipe one such telephone (where the poor little birdies have to rest since the trees were cut down to put in another road) was so full of nails from yard signs that there wasnt a place to put up a sign unless you used magnet.


You too are an idiot. You Telephone Pole Hugger!!!
The only good power pole is a horizontal pole!

Next thing you will be advocating the metal poles and people using duct (or Duck) tape to stick the signs up....

Free Nepal!!!
I'm glad to see somebody is addressing this issue!

"Guidelines for Garage and Yard Sale Signs

The following information is to assist residents of Louisville with a successful garage or yard sale event. The goal is to keep Louisville a safe and aesthetically pleasing community to live in while allowing residents the opportunity to hold a garage or yard sale. Your cooperation in placing signs is appreciated.

In Louisville, there is no permit required to hold yard sale. However, there are guidelines for placing yard or garage sale signs to advertise your sale.

It is customary to place signs around town to advertise the event. Generally, residents place signs improperly which leads others to believe, incorrectly, that signs can be placed anywhere. If the signs are improperly placed they are subject to removal or you may receive a visit from a Code Enforcement Officer to inform you of your improper sign.

Signs are not to be posted:

on any post or pole, including utility pole or traffic sign pole
on any fence or tree
in any public right-of-way, including all medians as part of the street
on any street or sidewalk
on any car, truck, trailer or other personal vehicle as a method of advertising or directing the public to your yard sale
on any City Property, including parks, park paths, open space, open space paths, trails or fields.........."

Read the whole article, you wimps, and then tell me something can't be done about yard sale signs!
I'm sick of unjustly being accused of bias and tunnel vision on these SI issues, so here's the other side of the story:

"Do not ban yard sale signs
Yard sales are a time-honored way of recycling our excess stuff while passing on to our neighbors what they need at very little cost. Multi-family yard sales, held by a group of cooperating neighbors, not only increase the selection of stuff, but encourage local people to get to know each other better and build community. And—as municipal officials, sociologists, and anti-crime experts can all tell you—building community is one of the best ways to improve a neighborhood and deter crime.
For a number of years now, the neighbors on our block, Dover Street near Davis square, have held an annual multi-family yard sale. Not only is it always fun and festive, but it has led to monthly block meetings which are making our neighborhood safer and more congenial.

So imagine my surprise when a few weeks ago my doorbell rang and a man from the Somerville Department of Public Works appeared on my doorstep with an angry look on his face. “Did you put this up?” he demanded, waving one of the signs for our upcoming yard sale at me. “It’s against the law to put signs on lampposts, so I tore them down. I’m giving you a warning that you could be fined $300 if you put up any more of these signs.”........."
Well one thing is for sure no one can accuse you [Ithaca] of not having the energy and ability to bring up a lot of stuff1 [fact`s, info etc,] could velcro solve this problem?

Velcro is a STUPID idea. That is as bad as Nut's passion for Duct Tape. Wake up and smell the mirror. Velcro is just one more attempt at brining technology into the field. It is no more ethical to use Velcro to hang up Yard Sale signs than it is to use range finders while hunting, in-line Muzzle Loaders with Scopes, 2-Way FRS Radios, and the similar.

Down with Duct Tape, Down with Velcro!

More Power to Baling Twine
Free Bangladesh!
As usual, you've all got it wrong. These "yard sale" signs are actually markers used by the Communists in their ongoing undergound battle to overthrow the United States. Depending on how the signs are worded, they can be signposts to safehouses, directives for covert actions, or even directions to a top-secret munitions swap-meet being held in a sympathizer's basement.
The police are actually in on the system and are providing the sign "guidelines" as a smokescreen, knowing that Americans will not stand for their freedoms being curtailed. They know that the result will be MORE signs, which just helps to further their cause. It's all like an onion: layers upon layers of subterfuge and espionage. The government should take these signs for what they are and invade/bomb/destroy any target that is outlined upon it!

Free Willy!
JACKSON -- In one of the most successful crime-fighting days in city history, the Jackson Police Department put a stop to 23 illegal yard sales.

"We have a zero tolerance policy against residents that hold yard sales without first obtaining permission from our department," explained one Jackson officer. "Yard sales are a privilege, not a right, and today we cracked down on this public safety threat."

The operator of one particular yard sale at 512 Pretentious Estates Drive was busted for:

Not informing the police department of their sale, and not obtaining a proper business or sales tax license.

Posting more than five signs, including two that were illegally attached to utility poles (a Class A misdemeanor).

Violating the Americans with Disabilities Act by operating a public sale without offering handicapped parking spaces.

Selling refreshments to customers without obtaining a permit from the health department.

Conducting commercial activities in a single-family residential zone without obtaining a waiver.
"It's obvious that we can't sit around drinking coffee while this kind of nefarious threat to public order persists in our fair town," explained one cop. "I really hate it when people deface our beautiful utility poles..." he continued before being cut off by a broadcast on his radio for a "Code 5" -- a car parked at the courthouse square for longer than two hours.

The city set a record for issuing tickets, beating the previous record of July 19, 2002 when 45 bicyclists were cited for exceeding the speed limit of 5 mph in the city park.

A city busybody applauded the police department's work. "We need to drive these illegal yard sales out of the city. Their signs pollute our beautiful utility-pole lined streets. Plus, they cause traffic jams -- I once saw three cars backed up at a yard sale on Greensferry Road. That might be fine for somebody in St. Louis, but in Jackson we shouldn't have to put up with that."

Another civic booster boosted, "I wish this city would just ban these menaces outright. By forcing people to buy new goods instead of getting second-hand crap at yard sales, our tax revenue would skyrocket and we could use the money to build our own aquatic center, which would provide yet another way to show our superiority over Cape Girardeau."

The city's lone member in the Libertarian Party had a heart attack upon hearing the news and was therefore unavailable for comment at press time.
dg, I believe some yard sales are legitimate, even though the practice has been infiltrated by communists and socialists and tree hugging greenie wimps who are using it for secret messages. The infiltrators can easily be identified if people will follow these simple rules:

Decide if you have adequate parking to handle an additional 4 or 5 cars parked near your house at one time.

6) Expect early birds. Some sellers love them, others hate them. If you really don’t want them, consider putting “NO EARLY BIRDS” in your ad

7) Another idea for signs is to use paper grocery bags to draw your signs on then fill the bottom with heavy rocks, stuff with newspaper.

8) Put your prices on everything. The price should be on top of an item, not on the bottom. It’s a lot of work, but worth it because you won’t have people asking every two minutes, “how much do you want for this?” As a general rule of thumb, price items about a third of what they would cost new. There are exceptions clothes are generally very poor sellers, unless it’s baby/kids clothes. But if you price adult-sized clothes cheap enough, it will sell regardless.

9) When selling clothes (and coats) take a minute and go thru the pockets. You will never know what you may find.

Make your items the most attractive they can be. If the first thing that someone picks up is dirty, it may turn them off to looking at other things you have to sell. If you are selling an old soccer ball, make sure it is full of air. If you are selling a TV, have it turned on. If something needs batteries to run, put batteries in it so it works.

10) Yard sales are more relaxing if there is some background music on.

11) Display some of your more interesting items at the end of your driveway to act as a magnet to attract customers.

12) Ever notice how hard a woman has to work to convince a man to stop at a yard sale? To solve this, set out an old lawn mower or power tools fishing equipment etc. out front in plain view of the road, and you’ll get more business! It’s also smart to set up a small table with nothing but “man-things” jars full of screws and nails, electronic parts, tools and parts of tools, old copies of popular mechanics, fishing hooks etc. This gives the men something to immerse themselves in while the women find all the real treasures.

13) If you are planning your yard sale on the hot day, consider selling sodas or having the kids run a lemonade stand.

14) GUARD YOUR MONEY! Have lots of coins and small bills available to make change. If you don’t, your first customer will be a little old lady trying to buy .50 worth of stuff with a $20 bill. Do not leave your money sitting around in a box. wear a fanny pack or carpenter’s apron because you’ll always have your money with you. If you are running out of change, and someone is trying to haggle a price down, be willing to negotiate if the buyer has the exact change.

15) Don’t accept checks unless you are willing to take the risk of getting a bad check. A check that looks perfectly fine may be from a closed bank account.

16) Have plastic grocery bags available to put sold items in. If selling breakables, have newspaper available to wrap fragile items. Having a calculator handy is helpful in totaling up purchases. Make it easy for yourself to total items - price things evenly : .25, .50 and $1, NOT .40, .75, $1.20.

17) To avoid any hassles later on, post a sign that says “All Sales Final”.

18) If you have a ton of kid's clothes or small toys you are dying to get rid of, consider having a “fill a bag for a set price” kind of deal.

19) When garage sale is complete don’t forget to, TAKE DOWN YOUR SIGNS!

Here's the rest of the very helpful and interesting advice:
Obviously Ithaca has been captured and is being brainwashed. Ithaca, remember, the password is buffalo! I repeat, the password is BUFFALO. If you can escape with your life, go to Rendezvous 17 for immediate extraction!

I can see where folks get upset about the yard sale signs, but it seems kinda silly. Around here there are so many "rummagers" who check the paper daily that all one needs to do is run an ad in the paper and they'll get all the business they can signs required. Now if you want to talk legislation, let's talk about that parking thing! Few things burn me up more than having to thread my way through a bunch of weenies double-parking and standing all over the street for a rummage sale!

Elky, present company excepted, of course!
While i understand that this is a Major crime problem,and there are no other pressing social issue`s in idaho at this time, i have to leave for a slot/poker tourny in laughlin, so when i come back in a couple of day`s i sure hope idaho is still standing.

We'll hold the fort down for you, and if you happen to see any of the Republicans (like Bill Bennett) at the Poker party, make sure you bend their ear on how important it is to get those dams breached.

And remember, two pair beats three of a kind.... or is it three of a kind beats two pair.... hmmm .... hmmm...
Well, remember that a Full House beats one Pair.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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