Wolves in Idaho: Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up


New member
Apr 2, 2002
Wolves in Idaho: Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up
By Report by J.J. Johnson

Okay, Real Idahoans, who’s got the shotgun?
Seems someone has sent another soul to gray wolf heaven without the blessings of the U. S. Government, and they are not too happy about it.

Idaho City, Idaho - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service law enforcement agents confirm one waxed wolf near Idaho City. The wolf appeared to have died from a shotgun blast with BB-size shot.

Your tax dollars at work: Mr. Fed knew this wolf was toast, since it had a radio collar. When the thing sent out a mortality signal, they knew someone bagged’em. Age 2 - known as B-131, grouped together with Idaho’s “Wolf Pack” by your ever so loving federal government.

No, we don’t bother placing radio emitters on cows, chickens, horses, and other livestock these unwelcome creatures are known to attack, because after all, wolves have more rights than humans.

The dead animal was found near Crooked River/Forest Road 348 about 20 miles northeast of Idaho City. Investigating officials believe this kill shot occurred some time near Memorial Day weekend.

More of your tax dollars at work: the dead predator’s carcass had to be hauled all the way to Ashland, Oregon just so more government employees can do an autopsy. Not to mention a team sent out to investigate the heroic action, and get this: a $5000 reward to whoever snitches on the guilty party.

Service special agent Scott Kabasa noted, "We encourage citizens who may have information about this case, or any other illegal wolf killings, to please contact U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service law enforcement immediately."

By the way, offing an animal protected under the Endangered Species Act is punishable by a fine of up to $100,000 and one year in jail, so don’t get caught.

And as for the next person that bags a wolf, do your duty as a Real American and bury the remains.
Real typical of you, mike, not to provide a link to the site you got that story from. I suppose you think that helps your credibility.

"By the way, offing an animal protected under the Endangered Species Act is punishable by a fine of up to $100,000 and one year in jail, so don’t get caught....And as for the next person that bags a wolf, do your duty as a Real American and bury the remains."

What kind of irresponsible idiot would advocate killing a wolf and delaying delisting? What kinda idiot would approve of breaking the law and risking a $100,000 fine? Answer: the kind of idiot mike thinks has credibility.

Of course, It's OK to approve of breaking the law to kill a wolf, but don't break the law to stop an illegal timber sale by the FS. mike wouldn't approve of that!

Let's see some more articles by your author buddy, mike. Don't forget the link. I wanna see what else they advocate.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-19-2003 13:35: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Blah, Blah, Blah, SSS, Blah, Blah ....all a bunch of tough-talker-windbag-bastards.

While I'm not against the legal harvest of wolves, I certainly wouldnt risk jail time and a huge fine so I could prove a point.

I wonder if these same blowhards kill all the black bears and mountain lions they see? My guess is the SSS crowd are too securely anchored to the seat of a 4-wheeler to do much more than run their mouths and bitch about a few wolves. I would also guess they are crappy hunters looking for an excuse for their lack of success. The size 42 pants they wear are a much bigger problem than a pack of 42 wolves for their lack of hunting success and opportunity.
I thought that article was rather tongue in cheek
Jeez lighten up a bit.

Did I add my opinion in any way?

I wouldn't shoot a wolf.
It wouldn't be worth it, I have a family and children that come first.
But I sure as hell aint going to bitch about somebody else doing so

I went back to get you a link and their server must be down I will look for it at a later date.
It was from sierra times.
mike, Great!! The Sierra Times again!
Isn't that the one with the looney tune sheriff that rants about salmon ruining our right to pollute rivers?
Talk about getting out more!! No wonder you're so far outta touch with reality! Anybody that reads that crap in the Sierra Times has a screw loose, and you believe every word of it!
Sorry, mike, your Sierra Times buddies are dead serious and anyone who thinks those nuts make sense should have their head examined.
That's one of the problems with you welfare ranchers. You read crap like that and believe it!

Please don't pollute the rivers of information flowing over the Internet with any more shit from the Sierra Times. They're a disgrace and an insult to anyone with a brain. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell ya that, but you're better off hearing it from me than some little kid on your school bus.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-19-2003 23:37: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
As with just about everything on the net you have to sort through the garbage to find the good stuff.
The sierra times probably has the most links to articles concerning issues we discuss on this forum.
Granted, the editorials written on that site are way out there, as are alot of the regulars. But, none the less, it is still one of the best sites to find articles without having to do alot of searching.


Do ya think maybe I posted that article to get a rise out of you and buzz??

Second Question.........

Did It work???

Hook line and sinker!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-20-2003 14:48: Message edited by: michaelr ]</font>
The day wolves are protected in South Dakota is the day our Governor gets impeached. Same for prairie dogs. And Gov. Rounds knows it.

I say lets re-introduce wolves to the Washington DC area next and see how many soccer Moms enjoy the howling of hungry wolves at night! Gee do you think someone's poor little doggie will vanish except for a blood stained smear? If this scenerio is true: Why are suburban dogs considered more valuable than beef cattle,sheep, mule deer, antelope, etc. ?
the wolves are only protected on paper! in Az. they just won`t make it, they actualy have been seen hanging out on hwy 191[ used to be 666] but the jesus freak`s got it changed ,anyway they have been spotted on the hwy. waiting for someone to pop a can of ALPO! that`s a reality, and they will all be gone soon, hey i know let`s bring back the grizzly to arizona! they used to live here too.
Congrats to the sharpshooter, to bad they have to stay anonymous, or else I would be first to step up and buy the fella a nice big juicy steak (public lands raised of course).
Sorry again Jack, prairie dogs also have protection status during certain times of the year and full protection in specific areas.
Gato, sharpshooter? Spraying a wolf with a shotgun is a sharpshooter?

Oh, and by the way, I strongly suggest you start killing every lion you put in a tree...just be quiet about it. For every cat you kill over your legal limit, I'll buy you a nice juicy steak (raised in a feedlot of course.)
Gato, It won't take you as long to respond to my question as your post did. Just fill in the blanks:

1. Bears killed in the last three years:

2. Lions killed in the last three years:

3. Approximate hours spent bitchin' about wolves:

Every lion you kill will reduce consumption of elk just as much as killing a wolf.

As usual, you're just backing your wolfies. The fact that you have the nerve to call someone on the site they provide a link to is fuggin unreal (Mr. Spirit).


Let me know when you want to go meet some of these lazy fat ass, size 42" waist, shitty hunter, worthless bastards you mentioned. I can take you myself, if you want to go let some of them know what you think of them. You know, the people that believe in the SSS theory.

Shoot me an email, or let me know here. I can definitely make arrangements and introduce you to some of these worthless bastards.
Bull, Yup, I gotta lotta nerve!
I had some spare time so thought I'd see if I could liven things up here a little. It's been kinda quiet lately. How many topics you started in the last month or two?

Maybe you and all your rough tough great shape ATV ridin', road huntin' buddies can tell us how many bears and lions you've killed in the last five years to balance out the wolf threat.
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