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Wolf Track..


New member
Nov 28, 2001
Some thing on the lighter side of this heavy dark area of the board...

I took it in the Big Hole Valley Last spring while fishing...
LOL!!! When I walked upon it, I immediatly knew it was a dog track because of the claw marks, but the size was actually unbeilivable...Those things have huge feet...
Here are a couple I took while hunting in the Sawtooths last November. There were 3 sets of them and I had just missed them crossing this area.



[ 04-12-2004, 07:08: Message edited by: Wapiti Slayer ]
Now we have two red X's... :(
E-mail me them and I will see if I can get them up for you, or to one of the admins...I will be out of town from today until Wed eve...

[email protected]
Someone that post's picture like me.
Hang in there wapiti slayer .
I never seem to have a camera when I see cool stuff.
We got into a pack of seven up in the Stanley Basin while riding our ATV's.

We found the track's where they crossed the road and they are big.
Originally posted by Muledeer4me:
Someone that post's picture like me.
Hang in there wapiti slayer .
I never seem to have a camera when I see cool stuff.
We got into a pack of seven up in the Stanley Basin while riding our ATV's.

We found the track's where they crossed the road and they are big.
Unfortunatley it's becoming a common thing to see up there!
Here is what one professional has to say about wolves and those opposing their reintrodcution. He is talking about the reintroduction of wolves into the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State.

What do you think?

Sitting here reading a feasibility study on re-introducing wolves to
Olympic Peninsula (where we went on vacation last summer, Patti) and it
said (under Social Factors) that as education levels increased, so did
favorable impressions of re-introducing wolves. The group that most
opposed wolves were people with limited education who perceived wolves
as a
direct threat to their livelihood (ranch and livestock) (my definition
ignorant rednecks??)==who would thunk it???

Incidently, what I found interesting was it predicted that wolves would
kill 0.91 cows per 1000 cows each year (based on the HIGHEST reported
figures)==shoots down what the anti-wolf groups are saying. Little or
increase in deer losses was predicted (wolves would displace/eat some
the cougars + coyotes in the area) and little increase in elk losses
(wolves tend not to migrate with the elk during summer when cougar
increase). Smaller kills by cougars and coyotes would offset the wolf
predation. Recent reports from Yellowstone are bearing this out.
I was just out on the Olympic Penninsula a couple months ago. I have been out there actually on and off for years... Yes there are deer and some elk around, but I would suspect the biggest thing that the WOlves would be eating would be domestic dogs... While a pretty large area by most Easterners standards, it is still a very small place to put Wolves...There is no place for them to expand either, people live every where out there and it would be a very good place for a lot of them to get shot or create a lot of problems. But who am I to say any thing, I don't have that "Touchy Feely Itch" to save the world... ;)