Wolf lovers at it already

Wolf delisting=massacre, they're a bit confused for sure, it seems. They're probably ok with hikers and bikers becoming attacked by wolves all the time, like the mountain lions do in CA? What do you think they'd say about that question?
Why is it that people like this can't use the truth when they are trying to argue for their cause. If you read the whole petition and pay attention to it, then it makes no sense. It states in the begining that wyoming officials want to shoot wolves outside of YNP and widerness areas. Then it goes on to state that people wouldn't come to YNP and spend their hard earned money helping our economy if it wasn't for the wolf. No one is recommending killing wolves in the park. Nowhere in the petition does it state that wolves in Wyoming and Idaho wil be shot from helicopters ( though that may be the case) but it is in the write up to get you to sign the petition.

This is something I don't know about so I am asking. Were the wolves in Idaho planted or are they just naturally migrating there? And should they be managed differently then the Yellowstone packs that roam a huge national park, not just a wilderness area?
Seems like alot of there comments are about keeping our national parks protected. There probably too dumb to realize that you can't hunt in the park. I bet 90% of them are not even from Idaho or WY. Let's let some wolves loose in there back yard and see what they think about them.