Wolf huggers denied

Where are the guys with the tin-foil hats? You know the ones that said the liberal judges would relist?
Its about time! Please pray for Idaho so in about 10 year we might have some good hunting agian!
And finally, truth, justice and the american way has prevailed. Defender's of Wildlife, it's a LAW, now deal with it.
Wonder what the guys with the big cowboy hats to the south of us are thinking.
The 9th Circuit denied the request for the preliminary injunction to stop the wolf hunts this year. However, the case itself and its issues are still pending before the 9th Circuit. It isn't over boys, just another forward step in the process.

tjones, I live to the south of you in Wyoming. I don't own a cowboy hat. I am thinking good for Montana and for Idaho. I am only hoping that you are as good with a rifle as you are with your words. Come down to the border with Wyoming and knock a few off for us. I would be happy to point you in the right direction. All the best and get after it.

Buzz H and Lawnboy,
I know that you must feel you have this whole wolf thing figured out. I am not very naive about how the judicial system works. With all the eco-elite groups out there, the EAJA, the legal creativity of some environmental lawyers, and all the money out there to be raised and spent, the wolf situation still has a lot of uncertainty. Do you think that the USFWS has just disappeared from the scene and is not watching how Idaho and Montana conduct themselves with wolf management? Do you think the eco-elites will just give up? What each state needs is good wolf management practices that will stand the test of time so that the USFWS and the eco-elites can be left powerless on the sidelines. Only time will tell in that regard. Again, I do think this ruling is great for Idaho and Montana. I just think that Wyoming took a different course. You are certainly within your right to disagree. However, to suggest that you actually foresaw this outcome would be delusional.

You need to do a search on this site...myself and a few others in the know, called this thing perfectly.

Anyone that could read sign and had a lick of common sense could see the out-come a mile away...intuitively obvious.
Buzz H,
As always, you are full of it. I remember exchanging emails with Big Fin right before the last decision by Judge Malloy on the "wolf rider". Maybe you should ask him about what he was thinking before the decision came down. Ben Lamb had also expressed many of those same feelings to me. Anyone who thinks he can predict the outcome of a court case is a fool.

just sayin...
I never had a doubt...Molloy layed it out in the case where he ruled in favor of allowing the first hunt.

In the second ruling where he relisted, many in attendance of that court case, including some good friends, actually felt he was going to rule NOT to relist.

I never doubted he'd allow the tester/simpon rider to continue...
Sheesh it's a bumpy road when you side with Buzz;)

Mighty I was simply refering to those on MM that wouldn't even admit that the people they were siding with were on the wrong side. It's gotten farther than they would of hoped. I won't hold my breath on this thing but have a wolf tag and until they say it's closed I will pursue a lobo this year. I know you are familiar with law and I'm certainly not so like I said I only understand the words season on or season off. Let's continue to hope for first.

Your comments make good sense. I wish you the best of luck in filling your wolf tag. The whole wolf mess makes you wonder if they should install a traffic light at all trailheads with a "season off" or "season on" signal. As to Buzz H, everyone sees him for what he is.
As to Buzz H, everyone sees him for what he is.
They see him as being correct? I'm not sure if he got the means by which the wolves would be delisted correct but the fact that ID and MT have a wolf hunt I think he called from the start.

As a side note, if I'm not mistaken isn't the court challenge based on the constitutionality of superceding the ESA without actually changing it? It's not about the legality of the hunt. Also, I believe that Malloy found cases that have already shown the legality and constitutionality of making changes in the same manner.

Your comments make good sense. I wish you the best of luck in filling your wolf tag. The whole wolf mess makes you wonder if they should install a traffic light at all trailheads with a "season off" or "season on" signal. As to Buzz H, everyone sees him for what he is.

Mighty, I do respect your writings. BUT, your always somewhat pessimistic on this wolf debacle. All I've heard is doom and gloom from many on MM. I've read a lot of your comments in the same breath. I too had predicted (with Buzz) the outcome. Both Buzz and I are owed the case of beer from Big Horn. I admit I was a little nervous after the last hearing. Our Gov. lawyers sucked and I knoew that. Good thing we didn't need them.

Now on to the next case of doom and gloom. Want to make some more predictions? I will. Do you think there's a whores house chance in Hell off the 9Th circuit court of Appeals over tuning their own decision? Especially now that they have a more conservative membership?

Lets go a bit farther. Most of the progress that the Environmentalists have enjoyed in the past 20 years has come off of riders attached to legislation. Do you really think they want to open Pandoras Box? Anyone for another case of Beer. I have a nak for sticking my neck out these days. ;)
Wyoming has been a wayyy worse problem in this whole deal than any "eco-elite" group...and thats a fact that anyone would be delusional to deny.

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