PEAX Equipment

Will eating meat become illegal?

How long until eating meat is outlawed?

  • Within 20 years

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • 20-50 years

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • 50-100 years

    Votes: 8 6.5%
  • More than 100 years

    Votes: 18 14.6%
  • Never

    Votes: 89 72.4%

  • Total voters
My initial reaction is never. I think the correct answer as far as if eco terrorist groups, will ever get it outlawed based on the agenda they have today, is never.

If you had ran a poll in early February 2020, asking when the government would force the closure of small businesses, due to a respiratory virus, I would’ve also answered never, but it began happening in March of the same year.
So while I think never, what if a disease pops up that you can get from eating meat, and then spread through the air to people around you, and instead of being 99%+ survivable, it’s only 96% survivable, or how about 60% survivable or 50% survivable.
Instead of targeting the elderly, the obese, those with pre-existing conditions, it targets those with the strongest immune systems, like the Spanish flu did. That would be children, working age people in their 20s 30s and 40s.
if a quarter of the nations workforce was dead and the same % of American households with two or more children, had watched their own child die in the last year, and it could be linked to the consumption of meat, there is a 100% chance that if that happened, it would be illegal to raise and sell meat.

The situation is of course unlikely, but it is certainly within the realm of possibilities, and it precludes “never“ from being an option in this poll.

cell phones and everything that we can do with them was thought of as “never” for 99.8%+ of human existence. That goes for nearly everything in our lives. Never is a long time.

I voted >100 years. Our descendants may be living in pods and eating cricket meal bars by then but cricket is a meat. 🤣.
I’m joking. Sort of
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Can one make plant based chorizo in a meat grinder? Asking for a MT transplant...
My initial reaction is never. I think the correct answer as far as if eco terrorist groups, will ever get it outlawed based on the agenda they have today, is never.

If you had ran a poll in early February 2020, asking when the government would force the closure of small businesses, due to a respiratory virus, I would’ve also answered never, but it began happening in March of the same year.
So while I think never, what if a disease pops up that you can get from eating meat, and then spread through the air to people around you, and instead of being 99%+ survivable, it’s only 96% survivable, or how about 60% survivable or 50% survivable.
Instead of targeting the elderly, the obese, those with pre-existing conditions, it targets those with the strongest immune systems, like the Spanish flu did. That would be children, working age people in their 20s 30s and 40s.
if a quarter of the nations workforce was dead and the same % of American households with two or more children, had watched their own child die in the last year, and it could be linked to the consumption of meat, there is a 100% chance that if that happened, it would be illegal to raise and sell meat.

The situation is of course unlikely, but it is certainly within the realm of possibilities, and it precludes “never“ from being an option in this poll.

cell phones and everything that we can do with them was thought of as “never” for 99.8%+ of human existence. That goes for nearly everything in our lives. Never is a long time.

I voted >100 years. Our descendants may be living in pods and eating cricket meal bars by then but cricket is a meat. 🤣.
I’m joking. Sort of
As much as I hate it, that is the answer I had, just couldn’t convey it in words.
Perhaps relevant to the discussion. Not wasting brainpower on it.

Like, it's nice that they're trying that(won't happen though because the lobbyist have to much influence). If the government really wanted to do something meaningful about it, the laws are already in place. I don't see though any government using the antitrust laws on the meat processors or amazon; Like they di with Standard Oil
Perhaps relevant to the discussion. Not wasting brainpower on it.

I am glad to see the Biden administration acknowledged the issue.
I have to laugh at a few quotes and the Irony

"North American Meat Institute spokesperson Sarah Little said staffing plants remains the biggest issue for meatpackers and that the White House plan would not address it.
“Our members of all sizes cannot operate at capacity because they struggle to employ a long-term stable workforce,” she said. “New capacity and expanded capacity created by the government will have the same problem.” "

"An analysis in December by the White House economic council found a 120% jump in the gross profits of four top meatpackers since the pandemic began."

Perhaps if employees were paid more and not overworked you could recruit/retain them. But then why would you do that if the bottle neck that you are creating is the exact reason that you have seen a 120% increase in profits?
This example is a great argument against unregulated capitalism for basic human needs.
I agree it will never be illegal but most people will be priced out of buying it regularly probably within 50 years or so.
i haven't actually studied this, but i've seemed to gather that meat, especially red meat, has historically been something that has predominantly only been available to the wealthier in societies.

america seems to be one of the most noticeable exceptions to that. but that becomes fuzzy when you consider the types of shitty, fed unnatural diets, pumped full of corn, soy, and hormones meat that people aren't priced out of.

i guess i'm saying that it seems that truly quality meat is something that the average american is largely already priced out of.

as an aside, i've found it funny that biden is "trying" to bring down meat prices for the sake of political clout while others in his administration have a history of clamoring for more meat taxes.
I hope manufactured protein becomes popular, beef prices may become affordable for all families again if demand moves to alternative "meats". I've moved more of my diet to plant based, mainly for health benefits , but wouldn't mind a few less heads of cattle grazing on the landscape. Love ranchers, will always love meat, but maybe we could do with less stress on the land.
Folks might be surprised at the source of the recent "inflation" if they made a quick comparison of the Delta of input costs, consumer prices, and corporate profits over the last 2 years.

I feel that the problem lies here. But I do wish we had a solid hold on net profit before reinvestment because I believe gross profits can be almost as misleading as net. I feel the true profit numbers probably ends up in the middle.

i just can't stand that crap


let's worry about commercial planes flying across the ocean with no people on it, container ships, excessive commuting and driving, the hundreds of thousands of diesel engines moving dirt in every state for home develoments that destroy animal habitat and natural carbon reservoirs, inefficient homes and commercial buildings, nuclear energy over fossil fuels, and the buy a new car (or spaceship if you're into Teslas and what not) and cell phone every 2 years attitude of the modern world before we should even start considering cows and pigs as any significant issue.

certainly let's not forget chinas unreal underground coal seam fires, not to mention their actual coal production


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