WI wolf population exploding.... Humane SS is nuts


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Wisconsin wolf population surges
By Lee Bergquist and Paul A. Smith of the Journal Sentinel

Posted: May. 19, 2009

Wisconsin's gray wolf population has jumped 26% in a year, and the steep increase is sure to sharpen tensions over how best to manage the elusive predator.

After two years of stability, wolf numbers have increased to 630 to 680 animals - the largest overwinter population since wolves began returning to the state in the 1970s.

The preliminary figures - derived from winter tracking surveys - compare with 540 wolves in 2008, according to the state Department of Natural Resources.

Adrian Wydeven of the DNR attributed the rise to relatively severe winter weather conditions that made it easier for wolves to chase down and kill deer.

Minnesota and Michigan also reported larger wolf numbers this year, but the changes are not as large as Wisconsin's.

"We thought that we were getting close to the carrying capacity for wolves," said Wydeven, the DNR's wolf ecologist. "It's possible we're still a ways from it."

The wolf was declared a federal endangered species in 1967, and while it struggled in the 1980s with a canine virus, its population has climbed steadily in the last two decades. But as the population surged, so did the controversy.

Farming and hunting groups have pushed for stronger controls, while environmental and animal rights groups have challenged efforts to remove federal protections.

After a series of court fights that changed its status several times, the wolf was removed as a federal endangered species May 4, which allows trapping and killing of problem wolves. The wolf is classified as a protected wild animal in Wisconsin and is subject to a state management plan.

The problem for farmers and sportsmen is that wolves attack pets and livestock. So far this year, seven farm animals and two dogs have been killed. Since 1985, the state has made payments of more than $792,000 to landowners and hunters whose livestock and dogs have been killed by wolves, state figures show.

This year alone, wolves have killed three calves on Jim Heintz's farm near Bruce in Rusk County. Authorities have trapped and killed five wolves there in the last two years, he said.

"I think that more needs to be done," Heintz said.

The state's management plan includes provisions for hunting wolves. But the Natural Resources Board and the Legislature must approve rules first.

Several groups, including the Wisconsin Conservation Congress and the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation, support a public harvest.

"It's time to manage wolves; I think we can all agree on that," said Ed Harvey, chairman of the congress. "If we have a jump like this in one year, how long will it take to get to 800 or 1,000? Think of the problems we could have then with depredation."

The Humane Society of the United States opposes a hunt.

The group doesn't believe the state's population has fully recovered, said Howard Goldman, state director in Minnesota, who is watching the situation in Wisconsin

The humane society is concerned hunting may target wolves that aren't causing problems. Also, the group doesn't think nonlethal means have been fully exhausted.
Goldman said his group will file a lawsuit next month to challenge the federal government's decision to remove federal protections.

A five-year moratorium on wolf hunting has been recommended by a state committee of DNR biologists and wildlife managers, university researchers, federal biologists and county agents.

"We don't support the moratorium idea," said George Meyer, executive director of the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation.

Meyer said a hunt would be regulated and the number killed would be limited.

"This isn't like the days of bounties," Meyer said. "It will be done right and protect the population at a sustainable level."
"Also, the group doesn't think nonlethal means have been fully exhausted".
These whacko's would rather see them spayed and nuetered before they have a hunting season.
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