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Who’s right.


Nov 11, 2022
I hope it hasn’t posted before.
Looking at the odds for a draw in Wyoming,antelope.
Go hunt gives me ,60%.
Top rut 63%.
The Wyoming site gives me 100%!!
onX new tool also differs in the results.
Is there anyone willing to explain how it works ??
Don’t want to waste another year sitting home.
Wyoming game and fish posts draw odds and specifics from the previous year. Pretty easy to download on their site, and only basic math skills and a little time to figure out. Anything projected , is just that. Its an educated guess based on previous years statistics. All of the information you want is free and accurate.
Brand new to antelope hunting, my question is I heard that out of state hunters could potentially find land owners who would let them hunt antelope on the property. I see a lot of posts about drawings for potential antelope hunts. Do you have to be drawn to even hunt antelope? How do I go bout finding land owners that would possibly let me hunt on their land? Thank you in advance.
Yes, you need to draw a tag to be able to hunt antelope. For your second question, you are unlikely to get any assistance on a public forum. The people who have that knowledge aren’t going to share it because they would then lose that access with a flood of new people contacting the landowners. There is a ton of public land where you can go antelope hunting. I recommend you focus on that opportunity first.
Brand new to antelope hunting, my question is I heard that out of state hunters could potentially find land owners who would let them hunt antelope on the property. I see a lot of posts about drawings for potential antelope hunts. Do you have to be drawn to even hunt antelope? How do I go bout finding land owners that would possibly let me hunt on their land? Thank you in advance.
Focus on hunting public land, if you see a piece of private that’s just loaded with antelope. It doesn’t hurt to ask, but I wouldn’t bet on getting access.
You might have better luck with antelope access than deer and elk... Asking for access from private land owners is something id reccomend doing in the spring. I'd ask - offer to help with something (if you can) and explain you would respectfully follow any excpectation theyd have. Whiskey also helps.
Yes, you need to draw a tag to be able to hunt antelope. For your second question, you are unlikely to get any assistance on a public forum. The people who have that knowledge aren’t going to share it because they would then lose that access with a flood of new people contacting the landowners. There is a ton of public land where you can go antelope hunting. I recommend you focus on that opportunity first.
I absolutely appreciate the information. I will sure check into the public land and see what happens.

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