Yeti GOBOX Collection

While you're working...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I'm out a slaying some Duckies........

Decided to take the morning off to take 2 rookies out hunting. After 2 borrowed shotguns, buying licences and duck stamps. Lending out some cloths, I think in 5 hours we will hit the road and give it a wirl.

My guess is we'll get at least a couple.... hump hump

I'm so Excited That I might even get a Woody where we're going :eek: :cool:
That's awesome to take someone new hunting, its great, rooky duck hunters and rookie hunters? Maybe you should have them practice shooting some too.
Let's just say it wasn't dry :)

We did OK for Rookies I guess. We took some other pictures but these are from the phone. Shooting and missing 6:1 is OK right ;)

It's hard to tell but there is a Widgeon a Greenhead and some hens. Someone tell me what he the ones are next to the Greenhead. I know it's not Mallard. Has the grey and black feathers....


Thats the same piece of land that this picture was taken 3 years ago when I went with Warren and his 2 boys hunting out there :


I'm not sure the reason for the turtle shell. But when I saw it, I had to bring it back to the truck for the picture ;)
Moosie, It looks like you wiped out an entire gadwall family.
1 GHM, I wigeon, 3 drake gadwalls, 2 hen gadwalls, not much color on them yet.
It was a wet one, I was chasing some quail and lets just say the desert is experiencing a greenup.
YAH, the Wings had Black on them. I wasn't sure it was gadwalls because the colors jsut didn't look right. But I was pretty sure it wasn't hen Mallards. Whne the colors are messed up like that hens throw me for a loop !!!

I told them to quit shooting hens :D :D We didn't have many Greenheads come in. the size of the ones we got were about 1/2 the size of the Mallards anyways.

We saw Teal and Woodys but No go on the killing of them. All in all it was a good couple hours. We all had to be back by 11.