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Which conservation group

In the end, who or what really suffers when donations to DU are withheld due to one poorly executed decision by those in the organization ???

Here's my response:
1. If leadership can be as easily bought as DU was, then there is no leadership. Not being from Montana, understanding the sanctity of public land out here, recognzing the true culture of this incredible state, and the attempted takeover of my access that I have used in the will probably be hard for you to understand just how outrageous and offensive Cox has been. With no hyperbole, there is very little more he could have done that would be more inflammatory to a Montanan. I could rant forever on this, so I'll stop there.
2. You should really reasearch where your dollars go with DU vs DW. The monies you raise in state for DW, majority stay in state.
3. The projects are different, and as a hunter, the projects of DW are more impactful to my ability to access and see birds.
4. Don Thomas needs to be stood with on this matter, regardless of who said/did what. There is a foudnational truth that if it is eroded will be near impossible to retrieve.
5. My donations did not stop, they shifted to DW.

You are free to continue to support DU. DU is dead to me. There is another standard bearer worthy of respect and support.
"Not being from Montana, understanding the sanctity of public land out here, recognzing the true culture of this incredible state, and the attempted takeover of my access that I have used in the will probably be hard for you to understand just how outrageous and offensive Cox has been..............."

I'll turn this around for you 406. You and I "out here" in Montana have a hard time digesting the fact that to a shitload of hunters in this good old USA, public land(s) aren't a big or as big a concern as others those folks may have. Lotta' hunters don't see it your and my way. Like it or not, we ain't all on the same page. Don't get me wrong - I'm in pretty much agreement with you, but realize the cold hard facts. There have been many discussions (in the last year or so) on this site illustrating this, but unfortunately internet memory is fleeting or so it seems....
406. Well said. I'm not from your state, but damn I do enjoy it, often because of the public access available. Trial153 I don't get this idea that BHA is somehow, anyhow, anti hunting, they're the biggest group of hunting badasses I know.
406. Well said. I'm not from your state, but damn I do enjoy it, often because of the public access available. Trial153 I don't get this idea that BHA is somehow, anyhow, anti hunting, they're the biggest group of hunting badasses I know.

I think you missed reading the the post if your suggesting I said anything contrary to that.

That screen shot is comments made by the president of pope and young calling BHA antihunting and a front for antihunting environmentalists groups. A sediment I obviously don’t ascribe to.
I think you missed reading the the post if your suggesting I said anything contrary to that.

That screen shot is comments made by the president of pope and young calling BHA antihunting and a front for antihunting environmentalists groups. A sediment I obviously don’t ascribe to.

I read those screen shots several times and don't see him calling BHA antihunting. His statement BHA is preservationist and not conservationist is dead on.
I think you missed reading the the post if your suggesting I said anything contrary to that.

That screen shot is comments made by the president of pope and young calling BHA antihunting and a front for antihunting environmentalists groups. A sediment I obviously don’t ascribe to.

I agree with you. Sorry if that agreement didn't come through.

DD, the post says that he thinks (or says people he trusts believe... cop out for having original thoughts) that BHA is more closely aligned with anti-hunters that hunters. That's a bunch of BS, who are hunters if not BHA members, I don't get the criticism.

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