Caribou Gear

Whats going on ?


New member
Dec 23, 2000
No posts for two days in the elk section. I almost thought I logged on to HIS !
Tell me a story about elk hunting !
Went out to look for deer and elk on Tuesday and saw about 30. Only a few small bulls though. My friend and I had a close encounter with a spike and two cows at about 30 yards away which was cool. Man, it sure sucks to be back in California.
Jack and Jill wnet up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.

Saw 3 elk the other night, two small bulls and a cow. I am heading to the mountains this weekend so maybe I can come up with a better story.
I was drawn for a non resident cow tag. Area of Crook County north of Sundance. Should be good hunting, it usually is. Cow elk is a genuine trophy on the dinner table!
Was out last Wednesday saw a small heard of bulls 1 six by six a couple of fours a couple of 2 bys and a spike. I was driving out from a trout lake and they ran about 10 yards in front of us. Hope this is a good sign for the fall.

I almost froze to death near 11,000 feet on a backcountry hunt where the air was so cold the thermometer read -16 and the tent walls were solid ice. 4 tags, 4 elk, and two men that were tested. One of those hunts that sticks with a guy for there's your story
Thats a good one DS, nobody is going to hunt in weather that cold. Musta had a pot of gumbo to keep em warm.
We were only about 9,000 feet, and and it was November in Montana, 18 below zero at 8 AM, and only two of us got spikes. I passed on a spike and never got a shot. We all got deer though.

The next year, in New Mexico, it was 70 degrees and dry and I ambushed a bull on his way to water. But everyone has heard both of those stories before...
Sat in camp yesterday afternoon having a nice cold beer. The temps were in the upper 70s and the sky was ever so blue. The campfir was crackling and on the hillside th north were two elk, then two more. The ridge to the north west was silouheted with not one or two elk but nearly 30. This morning after having some bacon, eggs and fresh coffee, there were two elk on the edge of the meadow looking at us. We took a small ride on the horses and came across two elk and a doe. We had great weather and saw plenty of game this weekend as well as some new country.
Went to my daughter’s basketball tournament and watched them get their lunch handed to them. Then between games we went for drives and saw a small bull just starting to branch at the 4 X 4 size. Not sure what he will be in a month or so…


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