PEAX Equipment

Western Colorado checking in



Hello from Grand Junction, Colorado! I'm a high school teacher and an aspiring hunter. Went out elk hunting for the first time this year. Didn't get anything, but I had a blast. I'm in the process of taking what I learned this fall and changing up some of my gear - for example, replacing my father-in-law's Remington 740 with something that fits me a little better.

I'm a lifelong backpacker, climber, and skier. Still recovering from a serious skiing accident from the spring of 2014, but trying to be active and up in the mountains as much as I can.

I grew up in Denver, and didn't come out here until after college a few years ago. Loving the wide open spaces and the lack of people (compared to the Front Range).

I'm excited to learn more and become a better hunter!
Welcome!! We've got some guys on your side of the state on here. I'm in the Eastern plains, so they don't consider me part of Colorado :D
Welcome. Lots of good info here - on the forum, Fresh Tracks, youtube... The list grows.
Welcome! I am in GJ as well. I specifically moved me and my family to this area for the outdoor opportunities here and we love it. This site is an excellent place to sharpen you hunting skills. I have learned alot hanging out here.
Your in a good area to hunt, fish, and explore. I have spent a lot of good days around the gunnison basin and western Colorado.

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