Well Well Well Look what the cat drug in


New member
Oct 16, 2001
Mesa, Arizona
Here I was ejoying all this seclusion and all of a sudden Del-Mart infiltrates.
Just to let you all know I run a small business here in AZ. I perform maintenenance, and performance tuning of Penn Saltwater reels. Yesterday JohnSWA came by with a virgin(reel) and his fiance. We spent about two hours on his reel and It is sweet. Also had a good time with some premium quality beers, and people.
Hopefully we will have the cream of the other place over here soon. I sent out a few emails over the weekend and I noticed this morning quite a few guests viewing the fishing pages.

Does anybody have Joe Owens email addy? I would like to send him a invitation to this site.

EEeeeeeeehhhh GAT !!!! With the likes of you guys, I might have to Set up a Screening proccess...

1. CAN you say MOOSIE, You're the man ?
2. Do you like to drink beer ?

If you can Answer 1 of the two questions above, YOUR in ;)
what type of beer.
I have a list of Alphabetized beers that is 6 pages long that I have tried. Want to look at a copy to see what ones you have enjoyed?
Beware up there in ID.
My sister lives in Boise and she's a real witch. :eek:
good to hear from a fellow beer swiller. :D
Hey Amberjack! I didn't tell you Wendy was a virgin! How did you know? Three kids and still a virgin! Man life is grand!
Oh yeah, My reel was a virgin too, at least that was until Amberjack got ahold of it! (Reel Only!) :D

MOOSIE........What if a "Friend" of mine don't drink beer and can't read words that start with "M"? Can I..uh..he still come and play?
WELLlllll....... OK, A coke would be OK too.. WHAT , no coke either... Your friends a helth nut ;) HAHA!!

ANyways, As long as your "FRIEND" has a sence of humor, (AND I'm sure they do...;)) then ALL is good :D :D
I don't remember getting an e-mail to come to this site. Does that mean you are all going somewhere else again?

I will only follow you one or two (hundred) more times then it's adiose. I did tell rope boat or rip rapper or what ever to come on over ;)
Thanks. Ripbait Roger will, no doubt, be a valuable addition to this site IF the moderator lets him stay (which I seriously doubt). What was the secret code? Tick tock tick tock?
TYOU all are. I've ibeaded secret codes on your computer and HAVE downloaded all you private stuff...... If ya leave, I'll post it on the net ;)
MOOOOOSIE, I've actually done that to someone. No worries people, i'm not a hacker, i just like playing around. I would never do anything that would cause permanent damage. :D ;)
Delw, you also said you spend all day in the chat room. I went there twice and felt like I had been left in the middle of the Pacific. It's not that I don't believe what you say I'm just a little skeptical :rolleyes:
should have said all night........ last niht i went to bed at 8:30pm...
tonight i will be online though


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