Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Unit 39 Wyoming type 9


Jan 21, 2020
Hi guys a friend and i looking to apply in Wyoming for a type 9 tag in unit 39 . We probably don’t have enough points yet, but is it worth spending double digit points on or are there other units that are just as good ?
hunterdoug don't know if I understand you correctly, you have double digit points each or combined? If each you can do much
better in my opinion.
hunterdoug don't know if I understand you correctly, you have double digit points each or combined? If each you can do much
better in my opinion.
We each have nine points, but according to last year I don’t think that would be enough for that tag
Apply for it, if you want this tag then go for it. If you don't get it you build your points and you have an even better chance next year. If you just want to buy a point and try to draw a deer tag for that unit and do some scouting that is a great plan as well. Have you been to this unit yet? I would like to see people that want a specific tag show some sort of knowledge of that unit they want to apply for. Not just bank points then when you feel like its time go and ask for tips on open forums regarding specific units. There are a lot of guys out there who have had dreams to hunt specific units because they have been there, scouted it and spent time there knowing this is their goal, their target and have put the time in that when they do draw that tag they are confident and excited because all of their time and persistence pays off. It is pretty deflating when you are on the wrong side of the point creep and you think that you may be getting close then all of a sudden people who have not been putting in for the specific tag decide to jump out of crowd and ask for advice on where to spend their points. I hope you find your answer but I hope you have had a plan to hunt this unit long ago.
Go Hunt has a great tool that will help you look at draw odds. Also Wyoming GF hunt planner will give you some material. You should be able to look at historical harvest data, hunter numbers... google earth. Find what you are looking for in a hunt, how you want to hunt then that may help you in feeling good about the unit you are applying for. Good luck. If you need any help with resources feel free to PM me and I can help with tools that can assist you in your unit selection.
The only thing I know is that the dream of hunting this unit with my bow is over with the advent of everyone yapping about it on the internet. I am over people openly posting stuff about units on these forums.


I don't think a lot of folks realize that the whole internet can see their unit-specific conversation with very little google effort. PMs are great for details.
Thanks for replying, im sorry if I posted the wrong thing here. I have never hunted Wyoming before, I have hunted other western states before and I can’t get enough of it! We have been looking at that unit for a few years and put in for it a couple times but so far no success on the years we have applied. i did watch Randy Newberg’s hunt in that unit.
I have friends who have hunted here with bow and rifle and they have had fantastic hunts and killed good bulls. You will have a great time if you draw!
thanks ! For myself I don’t have to shoot a monster bull, I just want to hunt where there are a bunch of elk and get in on some action ! Of course i wouldn’t mind shooting a good bull! I have been on hunts where you just can’t find any elk and that kind of sucks..
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