Ukraine / Russia

Probably true, but over recent years it feels like a significant part of the "traditional common sense westerner" group has become more isolationist in their foreign policy approach.

i feel like there's someone to blame for a big piece of that....

i just can't quite figure out who it might be though ;)
“WASHINGTON, April 21 (Reuters) - Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Thursday that Ukraine needs $7 billion per month to make up for economic losses caused by Russia's invasion of his country.”

All of you that want to continue supporting Ukraine get your checkbooks out start sending your money over.
So the world sits back and watches Putin do what he wants and provides just a little weapons and supplies. If Putin wins, are you still for sending the money? So far the sanctions have done little, the bombs are still falling. To pledge any money to Ukraine is pointless if you are not going to do more to actually end this.
So the world sits back and watches Putin do what he wants and provides just a little weapons and supplies. If Putin wins, are you still for sending the money? So far the sanctions have done little, the bombs are still falling. To pledge any money to Ukraine is pointless if you are not going to do more to actually end this.
What do you think we should do?
What do you think we should do?
Not talk about spending money on the Ukraine unless you want to make the price tag smaller by stopping this faster. I don't have the answers but the senile old man in the WH has none at all. Has Biden asked to meet Putin? let's face some reality, if you toss Ukraine crumbs and they lose it is all money lost. Talk about sending money is guilt for doing too little too late. Shit or get off the pot. Do you really think Putin will just decide to stop? If the answer is no, then this money and aid talk is pointless. If Putin was going to stop he would have done so by now. JMO but the rest of the world is just being an onlooker.
So the world sits back and watches Putin do what he wants and provides just a little weapons and supplies. If Putin wins, are you still for sending the money? So far the sanctions have done little, the bombs are still falling. To pledge any money to Ukraine is pointless if you are not going to do more to actually end this.
Putin will decide when he is done in Ukraine, I think he will gain control of the Russian separatist areas then, take a break before taking more. Tossing cash into the wind would be equally effective.

He made a mistake with the blitzkrieg attack, he got over extended.
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Putin will decide when he is done in Ukraine, I think he will gain control of the Russian separatist areas then, take a break before taking more.
If sanctions and other punishment hurts enough he might not take more, but he's past the point of stopping what he's started.
You have good and valid points ... then you have to go there! Your opinion cred instantly goes to just another fake news far right R rant.
Really. "They" do their best to not let him speak off script. There's a reason for it. It's not just my opinion. It's Putin's as well and he's made that loud and clear.
If sanctions and other punishment hurts enough he might not take more, but he's past the point of stopping what he's started.

Really. "They" do their best to not let him speak off script. There's a reason for it. It's not just my opinion. It's Putin's as well and he's made that loud and clear.
I agree with you… I think.
Basically, he trashed Ukraine and gained or will gain the separatist areas. It’s not the whole pie, but he still comes out the winner.
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So the world sits back and watches Putin do what he wants and provides just a little weapons and supplies. If Putin wins, are you still for sending the money? So far the sanctions have done little, the bombs are still falling. To pledge any money to Ukraine is pointless if you are not going to do more to actually end this.
What do you think is the $ value is on prestige and good will.

Example, Europe switching from Russian Oil to some, even a small amount of US oil because we are the "good guys" is worth billions.
It's Putin's as well and he's made that loud and clear.
Where you been? Putin is the source of the fake news.
It's not just my opinion.
No, it's not. It is a prevalent far right rant. And don't insult others by repeating the stop the steal, Jan 6th political discourse nonsense.
Best stick to opinion of Ukraine/Russia debacle based on factual happenings and more learned analysis. There's plenty of it from those more in the know than you and I.
Where you been? Putin is the source of the fake news.

No, it's not. It is a prevalent far right rant. And don't insult others by repeating the stop the steal, Jan 6th political discourse nonsense.
Best stick to opinion of Ukraine/Russia debacle based on factual happenings and more learned analysis. There's plenty of it from those more in the know than you and I.
And you know it's fake news about Biden's cognitive state how? And by you calling it fake news by Russia proves that Russia did say it. So did North Korea, and other countries as well. I'm sorry but I can't completely dissmiss wondering if Putin smelled weakness and took advantage of it.
What do you think is the $ value is on prestige and good will.

Example, Europe switching from Russian Oil to some, even a small amount of US oil because we are the "good guys" is worth billions.
Switching oil buying only works if other countries don't side step in and buy it up instead. Is that happening? Last I heard India was going to buy it, unless that's changed. Then there's China...... that's a whole nother can of worms
Caribou Gear

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