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Typical sheep hunt


I knew you were funnin' with me. It would be interesting to know the percentage of people who would have pursued the sheep from where he did and the percentage of those who would not.


I wouldnt have even slowed down to look at that runt of a ram...and thats a fact.

I'd rather not have a sheep at all rather than kill one off the road...and thats another fact.

When, not if, I draw a sheep tag, I will not kill a 4.5 year old ram or a ram off the road.

As far as the breaks, again, not everyone is chasing the record book. I'd much rather hunt old mature rams that are broomed at full curl and 12 years old in any of the units on the Front than drive around the breaks looking for an ugly assed 6 year old mutant that scores 190.

While the breaks do provide opportunity for old ladies, old men, young children, and ego-maniacs...still doesnt mean its sheep hunting.

If I were to luck out and draw the sheep raffle permit...I'd never set foot in the breaks.


Good luck with your road hunting this year.
I dunno, there's something to be said for telling the story in your den of your bighorn sheep hunt. Raising a beer and saying.. "Here's to arrowing a ram wearing flip flops from the road.." Sweet!

That's gotta rank right up there with tag-teaming 3 supermodels that you met while puking in the alley behind a bar, and getting it all on video. It just doesn't happen.. but I guess there's always hope.
While the breaks do provide opportunity for old ladies, old men, young children, and ego-maniacs...still doesnt mean its sheep hunting.

But Buzz I are you not the definition of an ego-maniac?

Thanks I appreciate the kind words. My only hope in life is that I hope to someday make hunting as difficult as you like to make it.

Now I'm not exactly sure why you've got a burr in your azz for me but how's about you air it out here? You specifically addressed me on a thread where Ithaca and I were discussing the fine art of tracking, when neither of us had even addressed you.:confused: Now here on this thread you've done the same thing.

Here's my guess. Now granted it's just a complete guess cuz I have yet to see your tracks. My guess is you have an inferiority complex of some sort. Maybe it's cuz you've hiked you azz off to places that would kill a normal man only to find yourself shooting a buck most guys I know in Montana would only kill on the last day and only if they were close to the truck. |oo

Or maybe it's a little mans complex. You don't look to be a big guy in your pictures so maybe thats it. Were you always the last kid picked in a shirts/skins game at the playground? Me thinks so. The whole keyboard/internet and not being face to face thing has really been a godsend for you hasn't it?:rolleyes:

So here is what I propose. When a thread like this comes up, I'll express my opinion and you express yours. If you don't like mine, then so be it, but don't continue to identify yourself as the person I've described above by attacking me when I haven't spoken to you, it's just not flattering to you. And in return I will continue to not say anything about your opinion nor address you in any way, just like I've done in every other thread. C'mon, you can act like a real live grown up can't you?

Or you can continue to call me out and hope that the keyboard will continue to make you feel better about how things went on the playground so many years ago. But c'mon, deep down when you look in the mirror in the morning you know your always going to be the last kid picked don't you?:eek:
BuzzH said:

I wouldnt have even slowed down to look at that runt of a ram...and thats a fact.

I'd rather not have a sheep at all rather than kill one off the road...and thats another fact.

When, not if, I draw a sheep tag, I will not kill a 4.5 year old ram or a ram off the road.

As far as the breaks, again, not everyone is chasing the record book. I'd much rather hunt old mature rams that are broomed at full curl and 12 years old in any of the units on the Front than drive around the breaks looking for an ugly assed 6 year old mutant that scores 190.

While the breaks do provide opportunity for old ladies, old men, young children, and ego-maniacs...still doesnt mean its sheep hunting.

If I were to luck out and draw the sheep raffle permit...I'd never set foot in the breaks.


Good luck with your road hunting this year.


Isn't that what I said basically, "to each his own". I said there are few who would pass up the chance to hunt trophy rams in the Breaks, Obviously you are one of the few. I can understand what you are saying as well.

Buzz has told us four times how HE would handle the sitution. The real issue here for Buzz is jealousy. Some guy with flip flops killed a ram while buzz was sitting on the couch watching turkey hunting on the outdoor channel. Get over it Buzz you are going to have a health condition soon. You might draw a sheep tag someday. In the mean time get a few more antelope doe tags and keep busting them at your water hole.
Greenhorn said:
I dunno, there's something to be said for telling the story in your den of your bighorn sheep hunt. Raising a beer and saying.. "Here's to arrowing a ram wearing flip flops from the road.." Sweet!

That's gotta rank right up there with tag-teaming 3 supermodels that you met while puking in the alley behind a bar, and getting it all on video. It just doesn't happen.. but I guess there's always hope.

In your fantasy, is it you that is puking or the 3 supermodels?
Went hunting tonight. This topic inspired me. Almost arrowed a mule deer doe from a road in Tevas, a white tee shirt, beer visor, shades, jeans, and with a 5 year old at my side. Came to full draw at the edge of the road would have been a 15 yard shot, but there was too many branches in the way. The hero pictures would have been GREAT because my 2 year old daughter was sitting in the truck (75 yards away) in a pink dress. Round 2 coming soon... :D
Reading the story, the guy wasn't road hunting, he just happened to find a good ram by the road inbetween hunts.

He certainly looks to be in good shape, so hiking in would not have been an issue.

I'd put on my boots too, before dragging a downed sheep, and then starting to field dress it.

I think he get's points for being honest.

There's always time to hike around after the hunt, if I guy is so inclined. ;)
This topic inspired me. Almost arrowed a mule deer doe from a road in Tevas, a white tee shirt, beer visor, shades, jeans, and with a 5 year old at my side.

Where's Tevas? This may start a new movement to see who can be the best Hunt Talk roadhunter. When I was in college we used to hunt crows from a convertable goin' down the road about 40mph and shoot them with a shotgun flyin' over us. Great hunting, especially when we could afford beer.:D

No thanks, its more fun to see you get all wound up. I dont think you were discussing the fine art of tracking either...more like getting schooled on the fine art of tracking...but if it makes you feel better you can call it a "discussion".

GFhunter, I find shooting doe antelope with a bow very similar to hunting sheep in the breaks (or sheep from the main North Fork Road) really not too challenging or rewarding.

As to being jealous of a 4 year ram...thats hilarious. I bet you were laughing when you posted that.

I was a bit disappointed with the age of the sheep my Dad killed last was only 7.5 or 8.5 years annual ring is kind of difficult to tell for sure...I'm thinking false annual...biologist thought it was a year older.

The ram I helped my buddy with the year before in Petty Creek,...thats the stuff...10.5 years old and just shy of the all-time record book...PERFECT ram.

I'd like to discuss sheep hunting with you further...but're clueless...and two...they're about to shoot another turkey on the outdoor channel.
Have to admit, I wouldn't want a sheep hunt to turn out that way... but look out road habituated doe muleys.. guys with sandals and little kids are deadly. Tonight's the night!
Greenhorn said:
Have to admit, I wouldn't want a sheep hunt to turn out that way... but look out road habituated doe muleys.. guys with sandals and little kids are deadly. Tonight's the night!

What happens if you happen to run into a 190" muley standing next to the road this evening?;)

Buzz compared hunting sheep in the "breaks" to shooting doe lopes, "fun, but not rewarding". I love to hunt for "challenge, rewards, ect..., but most importantly to have fun. To each his own, I for one will not walk past a 190" ram at the trailhead on my way into a spot I planned to hunt 8 miles in. A small 4.5 yo, yes, but was the size of the critter the issue or how the hunt went down.

Kurt, best of luck and if possible, could you get a shot of your vehicle or road in the background.;)
Between Bighorns and Dalls I now have 22 days hunting with no kill|oo

I just might be ready for an easy Flipflop Ram.
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