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Two wolves, same day


New member
Jan 19, 2005
While going to work Friday morning, what I thought to be a deer coming out of the tall grass along the highway was indeed a big timber dog. Before I could get on the gas again, he scurried across the road about 150 yards from my co-workers driveway. On this particular stretch of road, Lake Superior is only about 75 yards from the edge of the road, maybe he was going for a swim. Later that evening, on another highway about 3 miles away from the Lake, the wife and kid and me were going out to eat in a tiny town about 15 minutes from home. Unbelievably, another, yet much larger timber crossed the road right in front of us. Now, I have probably have honestly seen about 50 wolves in my lifetime between Minnesota, Alaska, and Ontario, and this last wolf was by far the largest. The wife couldn't believe how big this wolf was, it towered over the hood of her new car (07 Altima) and was as long as the car was wide. Our golden retriever is 75 pounds, this wolf I would guess was 150 pounds at least. He let us get a good look at him on the shoulder of the road before exiting into the woods. On the way back home we checked the mileage from where the wolf crossed the road and our house, 1.6 miles. If we would have had the Silverado that night, that timber dog might have been wearing a new Chevy bowtie!!