Turkeys & Coyotes?


New member
Feb 10, 2003
Seattle, Washington
OK Ican't seem to find the post from the Wa turkey site, so I'll ask again...

This probably could go in the Varmint or Predator section, but it pertains to turkey too (and I already know how trappers fur hunters and sport shooters feel about it).

Spring Turkey season, over most of the Country, is also pup raising time for coyotes... and there is a lot of debate over whether or not it is ethical, or greedy, to hunt coyotes when they are A. raising young, or B. not in prime fur (and/or leaving them to lie).

So here's my questions, as a turkey hunter how do you feel about shooting a coyote during turkey season? And would you shoot one that approached your stand?

Did you know you can call coyotes with your diaphram mouth call?

Yes, I would shoot one anytime.

And yes I have had people to tell me that they have had yotes come in while calling turkey's and even attacking there decoy.
One of the places I hunt in Idaho is a tree farm. The landowner doesn't want coyotes killed. They eat the mice that kill his young trees. I let all coyotes go anywhere I'm turkey hunting. If I were in the East and dealing with those coyotes I might do different.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-17-2003 19:02: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Coyotes are fair game at my place all the time. I had a buddy that shot and wounded a turkey a couple years ago. When he went after it, a coyote snuck in and snatched it and ran off with it.
A coyote that comes to a turkey call is a coyote that hunts turkeys 12 months a year.
He's my competition. I have killed several that have responded to my turkey calling.
I have never ever met a landowner that doesn't want coyotes whacked on his ground.
I'll keep putting the wood to coyotes anytime I see them.
Ok how many of you have shot coyotes on a turkey stand? How many have you shot (while turkey hunting)?

I recently read 20% of turkey hunters see a coyote while turkey hunting... I've never done either... seen a coyote while hunting, or hunted turkeys.

Nut, the fur is worth about $2 by turkey season, so unless you are going to keep it as a wall rug it isn't worth the trouble to skin...

This is where the crux of the whole debate lies, if we indescriminately kill coyotes out of fur season, does that take away from the fur hunter? Is that fair? And what about the rearing of young?

As hunters aren't we taught to leave animals alone when they are breeding?

If it was legal how many turkey hunters would shoot a spring hen?

I am not passing judgement here, I am trying to learn... Just as I had never considered the ethics of shooting a turkey in flight, I thought maybe some of you guys never considered the ethics of coyote shooting (as it relates to fur hunters).

I have no love for the coyote myself... I'd proudly shoot one and leave it to rot... knowing that I had saved the lives of many game, and non-game, birds and mammals.
But in my state the coyote is doing well... so well that other species are suffering.



Everyone start practicing your coyote call with your mouth diaphram... intead of "tuck tuck" say "whaa whaa"... or "meow"... If you sound like a baby crying you've got it down.

When you see a coyote give him a few whaa whaas, and just like a turkey shut up once you see it headed your way... only call again if it can't find you or it hangs up.

Ooohh, my adrenaline is pumpin' just thinkin' about it!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-18-2003 12:03: Message edited by: Krustyklimber ]</font>
I can't say. Season is closed during turkey season. I did have a bear come in a few years ago which was exciting. Called him in to about 15 feet. I took a guy that had never hunted turkey so he was really excited, thought he was going to pee himself.
as a kansas turkey hunter i would definately shoot a yote during turkey season. u say its pup raising season, well yotes need to feed there pups and well i have an interesting story bout that.

i was hunting one early morning and had a nice range of toms out in front of me, i was jus waitin for them to stop struttin, when a yote from out of the creek bottom came running up, my guess was he was lookin for breakfast for her and her pups, and scared all the birds away. i regret now not shootin the little sh#t.

but my advice to any hunter is to shoot any yote u see!
I personally don't shoot any thing I can't use, but the doors are opening since I have been meeting a lot of Indians around the U.S. since they like to get almost any body part to use in their religious programs...

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