Trump Administration’s “Door Is Open” to Leading Activist Seeking to Transfer Federal

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI

During a workshop at a conservative gathering in Denver, Jennifer Fielder of the American Lands Council said her campaign to return federal lands to state control is being well received by the Trump Administration.

One piece of Fielder’s effort involves crafting federal legislation defining a “universal mechanism that allows the states to apply for the lands incrementally as they are willing and ready to take on management of these areas.”

That legislation would be needed immediately if Utah succeeds in planned lawsuit forcing the federal government to turn over federal lands to the states, said Fielder at the Western Conservative Summit at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver Saturday.

Under the bill, state legislatures would first identify desired federal lands and specify a date on which the state would be ready to assume management. Any valid rights and contracts to the federal lands would be honored, said Fielder.

“We are working with President Trump’s Administration,” said Fielder to about 150 people attending her June 9 workshop, titled “Constitutionally-Sound Solutions for our Public Lands – the Compelling Case to Transfer Federally Controlled Public Lands to Willing States.”

“His Administration has been great,” continued Fielder. “They are working really hard to reduce federal regulations and transfer management authority to municipalities and local governments in different small-scale instances.”

Fielder’s critics say public health and the environment would be put at risk, and treasured national lands would be subject to mismanagement, if federal lands were taken out of federal control.

Asked by the Colorado Times Recorder for more details about Trump’s reaction to her proposals, Fielder said, “We think the door is open. We don’t know what the timing will be. A lot hinges on the Utah legal case coming forward. And when they get to the point where, ‘Hey, the courts made a ruling. We have to.’ Then it’s going to be a little bit easier of a pill to swallow, when they tell the public, ‘Hey, we have to. The court said.’”

“I have met President Trump one time,” Fielder continued.”I have talked to his sons for a little bit longer. I know [Interior] Secretary Zinke fairly well. And I have talked to a number of people in his administration since he has been elected. And it’s been refreshing to walk in down there and go into the top offices and have a friendly reception. There’s a lot of good people in there now at the top. And we got to get a lot more confirmed so we can have the bosses running the show too.”
Senator Fielder may well be spinning yarns, but I don't think it's far from the truth.

The positions taken by this administration fit well within the boundaries of what groups like the ALC and SFW are actually advocating for. Yes, SFW & Don Peay are closet proponents of Transfer, as this article spells out pretty well:

The dog whistle of deregulation also means less public involvement in land management decisions. The administraton's rush to appease one sector of the populace rather than engage meaningfully in real dialog are harbingers of what kind of control they seek the pass on to local county commissioners and other politicians, just as the elimination of RAC's (or the severe curtailment as some have been restored) is meant to silence those who worked collaboratively on solutions that don't benefit the donor class, but rather all Americans.

Right now, the BLM is engaging in revisions to management plans that would severely weaken habitat maintenance and improvement, eliminate the regulatory authority of the federal gov't to demand mitigation for development and remove the wildlife protective layers that were put in place to protect sagebrush habitats.

Their ultimate goal isn't local control - it's just control.
Psssh! Commie, anti Trump haters!...

:D haha! Love y'er sig, Ben.
Fielder is batchit crazy, so it wouldn't surprise me if this is all bluster. That said, nothing the President has said in the past is indicative what he will support in the future. We need to keep PLT a career-killing issue to support. Just look at Matt "this is how I look from a Gubmint drone" Rosendale, even he has abandoned his support of PLT in the name of prudence.
Fielder is batchit crazy, so it wouldn't surprise me if this is all bluster. That said, nothing the President has said in the past is indicative what he will support in the future. We need to keep PLT a career-killing issue to support. Just look at Matt "this is how I look from a Gubmint drone" Rosendale, even he has abandoned his support of PLT in the name of prudence.

Rosendale's position is only shifted in name only. His resistance to good projects on the Land Board and his past record as a legislator indicate he is not supportive of conservation, nor is he supportive of government entities owning land. In 16 years of doing this work, the basic truth that remains is to judge a politician by their record, not their rhetoric.

Fielder is who she is, the more damning bit of evidence is the Guardian article about Peay, who is one of the most influential advisors to Zinke & Trump when it comes to public lands and wildlife.

When you look at who is actually writing the playbook for this administration, it's the A-list of anti-public hunting, anti-public land special interest groups like the Heritage Foundation, ALEC, ALC, SFW, etc.
Rosendale's position is only shifted in name only. His resistance to good projects on the Land Board and his past record as a legislator indicate he is not supportive of conservation, nor is he supportive of government entities owning land. In 16 years of doing this work, the basic truth that remains is to judge a politician by their record, not their rhetoric.

Fielder is who she is, the more damning bit of evidence is the Guardian article about Peay, who is one of the most influential advisors to Zinke & Trump when it comes to public lands and wildlife.

When you look at who is actually writing the playbook for this administration, it's the A-list of anti-public hunting, anti-public land special interest groups like the Heritage Foundation, ALEC, ALC, SFW, etc.

The more "they" say they have support for PLT the more I contact my elected officials! The only way we'll keep out lands is to keep speaking out. That is what they are doing.
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