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Jul 26, 2011
Southeast Idaho
I'm looking at purchasing a treestand for next year's archery hunt for Elk. There are so many out there, mfg's, styles, etc. It is enough to confuse the heck out of a sane man let alone an Elkoholic. Any suggestions? I have never sat in a tree stand so I would want one that I am going to feel comfortable on but does not weigh a ton. I know I don't want a ladder stand or a climber. I see some stands come with a safety harness. Are these harness worth a crap or is it better to purchase a harness by its self? I want to be safe. I don't want to spend a fortune on a treestand as I am more of a spot and stalk hunter than a still hunter. I just have a couple of wallows I want to set up on and one I would set up a ground blind and the other a treestand. Any input would be much appreciated.
If you're going to tree stand sit, I'd say buy one big enough you can be comfortable in, cause otherwise if you're like me you're going to fidgit. The harnesses are IMO the most important part, I think there's someone on here who fell out of a tree, with serious consequences, I just nodded off and woke up at the end of the choker. and the only other advice I can give is I don't like screw in steps, go with the strap on ladder thingies. Good luck.
I have several fixed position API treestands that I use for deer hunting. The largest one is an API "Baby Grand" which in my opinion, is large enough and comfy enough for an all day sit. It's also fairly light to carry. There are smaller API's also if the Grand is too large. I haven't purchased a new stand in several years, so I'm not sure what the price tag is anymore. Either way, there are obviously several good models out there to choose from and I'm sure others on here will have some opinions too. I agree with the purchase of the climbing sticks versus the screw in steps. The sticks are heavier but easier to set up. A good safety harness is a must. Usually the one that come with a stand are cheap, but they might have changed over the past few years.

Just one of many brands check summit also pretty reasonable price and light weight

if your going to elk hunt def. get the strap on steps than you can just take the steps off and leave the stand up and nobody can get it. Also the harnesses is different to everyone I use a Hunters Safety System its simply and trustworthy
I have started to use the Big Game Boss XL. The reason I really like it is the platform is big and the end of it tips upward and is a great foot rest. I tried them two years ago an I like it better than anything I have tried before. I also think Cabelas has them on sale for less than $100.

This is the only photo I have of it. I put it up this fall on one of the bait site's.
Lots of good stands to choose from. My favorite is the Lone Wolf alpha with climbing sticks. I hang and hunt most of the time here in Iowa and this set-up works great for that. Somewhat expensive but I use it all the time. I don't leave it in the tree as I'm afraid it would grow legs.

I've heard good things about Muddy treestands but don't have any experience with them. Muddy makes a nice safety harness as well. I use the original seat-of-the-pants harness and have had no issues with it. I think most treestands come with harnesses today as it's a requirement of the TMA.
I too have a lone wolf alpha. There are more comfy stands out there but that alpha is dang quiet and light weight. With the lone wolf sticks you can easily carry that thing to where you need to be. I had no problems with all day sits. I bought the stand last year and will not hesitate to buy another. With the S hook they are very easy to hang as well. As far as the safety straps that come with stands, they are ok and if you dont plan on hunting a lot out of a stand they will do. For those of us that do plan on hunting out of stands a lot get a better system. I am using a tree spider and really like it.

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