Tom in the Tree


New member
Apr 18, 2004
the west
My son and I loaded the hounds yesterday and went looking to put a tom lion in the tree. We did find a track around 9:00 AM and debated whether to send the dogs. The track had had wind in it and looked old, plus there was a little melt in it from the day before. Nevertheless, we both wanted to see a lion in the tree so I sent Ryan, Choco, Griz and Kody down the track. We went ahead and kept the other three hounds, Rowen, Ike and Sam in the box just in case things didn't go our way.

Things did, however, go our way as those four hounds made short work of that tom lion. It's pretty darn neat to make a pack of lock-down hounds that will go tree game but not as neat as having a son to share it with. hump

Keep'em treed!


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Wyodeerhunter said:
those are some awesome pics, did you also let this one live?

Yes, we turned that one loose as well. hump I did have my son with me that day though, and had that tom been a top-end, stand out brute he'd died for sure, as my son has matured and would like to live mount one for the wall. It's too bad he doesn't put forth the time and effort his old man does cause it would be lots easier........|oo

Keep'em treed!
Thanks for posting Ike. If you dont want that kitty you can shoot it and send it to me, You see I got a new trophy room that needs more stuff to hang on the walls.... When I get my deer back later I will take some mounted pics for you. Got two more coming that are being given to me, Mn whitey's
Unfortunately that's the law as currently interpreted unless you had taken that cat pior to the listing (protection). On the flip side, we had a local here in Redding that (this was a few years back...just before they tried to get the listing overturned the last time) bought a OR tag & license, went up and popped a lion, had the taxi work completed (there) then about 8 months later called DFG from the Canby (border) ag inspection station and basically said- "I've got a legally taken, tagged, and (now) mounted animal and am bringing it into Cali- come take it away from me because I WANT TO FIGHT THIS IN COURT!" DFG evidently never sent a warden, issued, a ticket, or wanted to get even remotely near taking this to the courts as they themselves want the protection on lions to be overturned. |oo

All that being said Cam, the possible fine for possession (post 1990) is up to a year in the tank and $10,000. For your reading enjoyment it's Cal Fish & G Code §§ 4800-4809.
Thanks for posting the link to that tid bit of info Marv. I find it absolutly rediculous! I will read it a bit later. I could see baning them from being hunted here if thats what they want, but if you go out of state that is a whole different veiw. Thanks again, will repost once I read all that crap. Ike, might have to settle for a bear........LOL.
You're welcome Cam...just a sidenote/funny story about how "not" serious some of the wardens are about this (huge emphasis on some)...I was at a local sportshow about three years ago and was at the DFG exhibit buying my fishing license for the year. They had all kinds of critters on display as a backdrop- including a decent sized lion. I was just finishing up paying a warden when this 30ish guy and his daughter walk up (kid was about 6) and the daughter points at the lion and says in this squeaky little voice- "Gosh Dad that Mt. Lion is a lot bigger than the one in your office!":eek: |oo

I bit down on my lip and snuck a peek at the law dog and he just stood there shaking his head with a ear-to-ear chit eating grin on his face and handed me back my change ....the other fella, with kid in tow, made a pretty hasty retreat! :D
Cam, Marv and I both know all about what happens to anyone harming a pawn (lion) of the antihunting crowd -meaning the gullible voters of California. When the local warden visited our ranch last year to verify our claims for landowner tags, he told us EXACTLY what to do if we happened to see a cougar prowling our land= S.S.S. He's one of the good ones. Unfortunately, our Fish & Game Dept. has been infiltrated with a few treehugging types and are diametrically opposed to any such attitudes, and wouldn't think twice about throwing the book at us. This state is a perfect place for the mentally insane to thrive in.
Life is funny isn't it?hump I mean, the voters in California won't let you guys run down a lion and kill it but haven't taken the hounds out of a bear hunt yet. On the other hand, Colorado voters let the hounddoggers run down and kill lions but not just can't ever figure on what people are gonna care about can you?|oo

I'm just dieing to come to northern California to rig and run down a bear. I'll bet a guys would have trouble not busting lions in the dirt with a good pack of rig dogs.:D

Keep'em treed!
I still havent read that link yet Marv but I will this weekend. I find it absurd that I cant have a lion that I take in another state. Guess I will have to sneak it in............LOL. Got any skins that you want to part with Ike?

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