Tired of Bishop's BS


New member
Oct 2, 2014
It has recently come to my attention that Rep. Bishop of Utah is taking aim at selling more federal public lands, this time under the guise of 'assisting' Puerto Rico with its debt problem.

Quick facts:
  • Puerto Rico is currently $72 billion in debt and thus could never afford the management costs of the Vieques NWR, which is currently managed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Handing over American public lands to Puerto Rico has but one possible result: a public lands sale.
  • Furthermore, Puerto Rico never asked for this land.
  • The Vieques National Wildlife Refuge is currently owned by every American, not the people of Puerto Rico. We all should have a say in the future ownership of our American public lands

Even assuming that Puerto Rico received money for the land that did get applied to their debt, it would be drop in the bucket and be a very short term aid to their long term problems. The only long term beneficiaries would be Bishop's cronies that will be standing in line to make the purchase of our publicly owned land. The rest of us would have no benefit what so ever - To quote the text of the bill (page 88, line 25) he is proposing "to convey, without consideration" (i.e. no cash for the current owners) which I think that sums up his attitude toward all Americans well - he has no consideration for us.

Question for the Utah people out there - is there any chance of getting him voted out in November? Or are there people there who like him for some reason? Living in CO I'm not eligible to vote him out personally, but I can't fathom why he stays in.
Question for the Utah people out there - is there any chance of getting him voted out in November?

Short answer, no. Long answer, Hell no.

For those who are unfamiliar with Utah, Utah is a strange place. I am a proud Utahn, but the worst thing about Utah is Utahns. This is especially true when it comes to Utah's political climate.
If he is Mormon and has an R by his name then there is nothing that will change in Utah. I have had a few of your same questions...i.e. What do the land owners (the American public) get when Bishop and he cronies prevail and give away our land? Another issue is that without significant change, the situation that led to the massive debt is still in place. Give or sell all of the land and in a few short years we have the same debt again but this time no land.
I agree with Utah400elk. Unfortunately it looks like Bishop (and probably Cruz from my state) is going to be part of the landscape for a while. We can contact our own congressmen on the issues, but there ought to be another way to apply pressure. Any suggestions on applying pressure on the NRA or the Republican National Committee, for example?
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