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Time Warp! How would you change history?


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Lets say you're out for a nice morning walk with nothing but casual clothes, your wallet, and the current contents of your pockets, when you step into a mysterious time warp. Before you know it, you're on your knees coughing and sputtering right in the middle of an early hunter-gatherer society in northern Africa.

Despite your extensive knowledge of time travel rules as dictated in Back to the Future barring interferance with the past, you're more concerned with staying alive and frig it - you're probably never going to get back to 2005 anyway. Facing a terribly competative contest of reproduction and survival, armed with only perhaps some magic items like a mirror or fountain pen and maybe the alien knowledge of every word to "Drop it Like its Hot," how would you go about setting yourself up in early man's culture and perhaps changing history for the better?
I think your fluxcapacitor is malfuntioning or maybe you just have had a little to much holiday "cheer".

I would make sure that both buzz and gunners fathers had vasectomies (sp) at age 15
It's not his fluxcapacitor ... It's his time... He has way too much of it on his hands..

You're doing it again Elky..

That being said, I would use my knowledge of Analytic Algebra and Calculus, Auditing practices and Quality Systems to establish the first ISO9000/AS9100 systemic society and we would spend all of out time Auditing the other tribes to make sure they are doing everything they say and saying everything they do. Should that fail, I would commence to building a bow and some arrows and go hunting,,,,, if I could draw a tag...

Would it?
How about just becoming the leader with all your knowledge and making it forever against the law to not only use an ATV if they were invented, but make it against the law forever to even have them invented. Look how this would forever change Hunt talk and the SI section. Just think, no such thing as a Fat Assed ATV rider. :D :D What you do could very easily start welfare ranching long before the people in the SI section even knew what they were. Think how that would chang history. ;) Have the modern day rifle made back then and think how history may be changed during the centuries of war.
I would try to make them believe that I was an All Powerfull shaman of somesort... Other than that I would just run around and hunt stuff, while trying to avoid predators and enemies and ect...
You wouldn't become leader!?! You would be looked at as something alien and scary. Probably be beheaded as a witch almost immediately. This Bwana goes to Africa and becomes King of the tribe bit is all fairy stories. :rolleyes:

Just think if some alien advanced species landed on earth by accident. It would be crispy before it left the UFO.
I'd build tall fences around a series of 100 acre parcels, release animals inside, and charge the fat lazy rich natives huge prices to have a sporting adventure. Word of mouth would spread throughout the continent and north into europe. Soon I'd be a USO sponsored outfitter.
If you changed it.Would you or I be hear?Every change could reflect the out come of the present day!!......... But I would sill like to buy lots of land for us to hunt on today!!! elkay
Well knowing about the diamond mines in Africa I would have to start a mining operation....knowing that down the rd those rocks would make my decendants very rich :)
T-Bone :D :D

...I'm kinda thinking along the same lines as Mo...with all you might know about the future you'd probably get strung-up for rocking the ol' boat...
There was a lot of statu-quo decision making back in history.
280 LMAO!!!! :D:D:D That was funny!!! :D:D:D
The survival stuff they could teach would almost be worth it....
I think I would like to be dropped onto this continent about 10K years ago, then I would have worked on starting working on draining the natural gas from Wyoming before the greenies could have stopped me, then I would have got a good start on the old growth in the Pacific N.W. :D