Sitka Pre Season Savings

Thoughts on this shot? - Tim Wells


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2019
120 Yard shot on a bull elk. No sights, fingers, all instinctive... Is it responsible? Not in my mind, but it was a hell of a shot regardless.
(The video should start at 23:50 just before the shot)
He’s shown over time to be a heck of a shot but I’m sure he’s had a lot of bad/terrible moments no one sees. I’m surprised the guide seemed as good with it as he was, if I was him I probably would have been a bit more “wth are you doing?!?!”
I don’t think it’s any different than a guy that can shoot steel well at 1500 yards. I shoot quite a bit at long ranges like. I don’t think I’ve ever shot at a big game animal over 300. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.Coyotes are different, under 2 miles they are getting rounds lobbed at them. 🤣
I don't know who this guy is but he is now on the very long list of personalities I don't need to watch. Nothing short of an unethical shot right there. Regardless of his perceived ability, flight time to the animal is something like 2 seconds and on an alert animal. I truly wonder how many gut shot elk are out there before this one happened.
He's a tool. Bad for bowhunting. As mentioned above, think of how many shots/hunts ended up with wounded animals due to lobbing arrows, darts, spears, etc.
And let's not forget about his life-partner.....keep in mind, he intentionally spends time with this:
