Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

This Thanksgiving I'm thankful for WY Elk with Friends

I'm certainly not thankful for my truck to decide to break down after going thru the mountain pass. Not sure if it's a direct result of the work pulling the trailer thru it or random chance but the down exhaust pipe blew off the back of the engine snapping the clamp at the engine and breaking the flange of the pipe at the bottom from the clamp to the next section of the exhaust. The engine starting having issues and smoking from the heat starting to melt the plastic and wore coatings at the back of the engine. We were very close to an engine fire.

I am very thankful and owe many beers to my friend though for having the ingenuity to think of using some wire to rig something temporary up. We got both ends held not perfect but good enough to get the exhaust out the tailpipe. She made it the next 14 hours back home without moving much.

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Is your friend a farmer? It's amazing what a farmer or rancher can fix with some bailing wire and a pair of pliers. I've traveled a good ways with the exhaust held together with bailing wire in the past.

Congrats on the animals. Looks like you had a good crew and put in some work to get it done.
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