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This should be in polotics but....



it pertains to varmit hunting.

Wildlife Conservation Council (WCC) and Arizona SB1524

Last night's meeting of the WCC resulted in not supporting Senate Bill SB1524.

Several individuals attended the meeting geared-up to present arguments against the bill. This turned out
to be unnecessary. The Commission had no formal opinion on the bill as well as the Department. Neither
had a stand one way or the other.

WCC President, Joe Melton, informed the group that he had talked to Senator Guenther earlier that day
and was told that if the WCC decided not to support SB1524, the bill would be withdrawn.

The general feeling of the WCC was not to support the bill, however, a formal vote was taken by all paid
members and the results were:

9 votes against the bill
0 votes in favor of the bill.

Mr. Melton stated that he would call Senator Guenther Wednesday and then the Senator would officially
withdraw the bill.

This was a win in some respects, but Commissioner Gilstrap was present to discuss new efforts on the
part of Animal Rights Groups to introduce ballot initiatives that would essentially eliminate all forms of
predator hunting.

Added to this are ongoing efforts spearheaded by the Sierra Club to reorganized the Game and Fish
Department that would essentially eliminate the Department and the Commission in the form we know it

Pete Cimilero was on hand to follow up by saying that these groups will use every means necessary to
deceive the public into siding with their viewpoints. They will make references to trapping, **** fighting
and utilize staged film footage from other states to get what they want.

Commissioner Gilstrap stated that we are in for the fight of our lives on this one and it is time to lock
arms and play hardball.

AZOD Note: Read other related Articles on Sportsman's Watch Home Page!

Jay Nistetter

Caribou Gear

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