Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

There heeereeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2005
The new line up of 2007 ATVs that is.

Back and forth from home to work on I-70, central Colorado............................you really get to see the 2007 line up. 4-6 per trailer.:rolleyes: Barely room for a tent.

I just might be the last person on the earth to not own one.
I haven't seen to many racks. Looks like most are just getting here for 2nd season.

Saw a decent 6 at the Eagle BurgerKing last night, tied up just as described.
Oak and I ran into some ATV riding archery mule deer doe hunters a while back in Wyoming...not sure they liked the ethics lecture. Just something about knocking an arrow on a moving ATV and shooting 70 yards at a hard quartering away mule deer doe after barely stepping off the back of an atv right at legal shooting light with 2 trucks 10 feet behind you that triggers an ethics lecture.

Probably didnt keep them from tying the mule deer doe heads on the rack of the half dozen atv's they had in camp for the long trek back to California though.
Now owning one does not make you bad, just like not being an archery hunter makes you less of a hunter. . I had mine in camp for 6 days and it never left the trailer. They are tools just like a sharp knife, range finder and so on. I use mine to get through roads that are muddy/snowy so I do not have to tare up my old jeep and leave deep ruts. Mostly mine is for ice fishing and pulling my sled with all my junk all over the lake. Every tool can get a bad rap because of the dick heads that use them. olefish
Ha! That was classic. Two guys on one bike, the second guy armed and ready. Creeping down the road, and don't know we are RIGHT behind them for at least a quarter mile because of the noise from the bike. The guy shoots from the middle of the road, gets pissed about the ethics lecture, and then has the nerve to say WE'RE the unethical ones when he sees us out hiking with backpacks and rifles a short time later. He even said we were full of chit if we claim we've never shot from the road when we saw a deer cross in front of us! :rolleyes: Wish I would have thought to get my camera out....
Now owning one does not make you bad, just like not being an archery hunter makes you less of a hunter. . I had mine in camp for 6 days and it never left the trailer. They are tools just like a sharp knife, range finder and so on. I use mine to get through roads that are muddy/snowy so I do not have to tare up my old jeep and leave deep ruts. Mostly mine is for ice fishing and pulling my sled with all my junk all over the lake. Every tool can get a bad rap because of the dick heads that use them. olefish

Blah, blah, blah. Same exact story you hear from EVERYONE on the internet...................................yet every year there are more ATV trails. :rolleyes:

Must be gremlins:rolleyes:

I wish Friday would hurry up and get here, need to chase something.

Blah, blah, blah. Same exact story you hear from EVERYONE on the internet...................................yet every year there are more ATV trails.

Good job to any of you that take the time and risk to step forward educate and remind individuals that they are treating the sport we love poorly with their behaviors and actions.
Hell yes there are two many people running wild with atv’s, 4-wheel drives trucks, mountain bikes, horses, and even foot traffic on trails that had very little usage in days gone by.
Very few people are good stewards of the land any more and they cover every type of recreational person. I hate walking in horse shit and smelling it for miles on trails and trails that have become highways from being hammered by hundreds of non wildlife passages. But then it is not everyone that causes the problem because some of us do care what happens know matter how we are traveling the earth. Have I hunted using atv’s, horses, my feet, trucks and even a boat once, sure and there is nothing wrong with it if I maintain a strong belief in being a good steward of the land.
Where I hunt more roads are destroyed by good old trucks and trucks with horse trails than any atv. Some are ranchers doing a job, some are working for a living and some are people out hunting. So I guess then when it rains or snows you should never leave the pavement? Just because some one does, owns and/or believes in something it does not make them right, or better, but it does make them responsible. I know blah blah blah
Cripes, I thought there was a bunch for 2nd season. The pumpkin patch will be in full bloom for 3rd season.

No wonder gas just went up again....................all those ATVs into Colorado:D Consumption went up 1 million barrels a day:D
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