The year of the jakes


New member
Dec 4, 2003
Lakewood, WA
That is how it will be remembered. Not much to tell. Lots of fun as usual. Got to see some friends. Ron and Floyd stopped by each for a beer. Camped next to Al who was shooting pet toms off a bird feeder out of a pole barn.(think PETA caught wind of it and is going to put that picture in the TNT for him next year). Worked a lot of birds and saw a lot of toms strutting and gobbling from 55 yards, hung up hard. The hens would not hold still long enough to let me sneak them. Gobblers were not very spread out and would not come in as a group this year with the hens pecking at them. Don't think there was much nesting going on. It all leads to one thing - fill those expensive tags with all the damn jakes coming at us, silent and gobbling. We finished with six of them between four of us and passed up quite a few early on.

I hit the first one who came in silent as I was moving through an area calling and circling back. He had 3 buddies with him and Steve gave one of them a haircut. Sneaky jakes.


Steve called in the next one for Fred after they set up next to a private farm with about 30 pets in the flock. Four birds charged them from the public side gobbling their heads off. Fred popped the first one at 10 yards. Steve got the next two. The first one saw while we were shooting furry critters. Steve put a good stalk on them because they weren't talking. His next one came in the morning after we set up trying to pattern some farm birds from another big flock. I was trying not to call too much, I didn't want to disrupt their cycle, but I kept hearing gobbling from from the other direction. Sounded like a gobbler yo-yoing back and forth toward the flock trying to steal a hen from it without getting his a$$ kicked. So I would throw up a real soft yelp up to him him once in a while. After an hour or so, two birds came over the hill at us. Looked like hens from where I was looking so I stopped calling. One of them looked around for a bit, then let out a gobble. Steve couldn't take it and had a premature gun-fireation. Couldn't help himself he said, likely story.


The next two came after my dad and I set up trying to get some big toms out of a large flock. We had about 9 hens in front of us milling around for about 45 mins and the big boys wouldn't leave the boss hens on the other side of the farm. We saw 4 more coming running in from a different direction. They tried to hook up with the hens with no success and the hens left. After they pouted in front of us for a bit, my dad smoked one at 45-bird crumbled on the spot. I figured if he was going to do that, then I wanted one also. I took out his buddy that was standing next to him looking at his sleeping friend. Mine crumbled on the spot also. Sweet double.


Passing time in the afternoon, helping out the farm owner.


New camp mate this year. slowed us down a bit, but well worth the company.


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