The Question That None Of Greater Yellowstone's Conservation Groups Are Willing To Confront

All interesting comments. The most concerning thing to me is the trajectory of things seems pretty unstoppable, while also accelerating.

No doubt shifting baselines are involved here. The growth of population and use and development on the chunks of earth I once held as perfect in my mind were no doubt "ruined" before I ever knew them in the mind of someone else who loved them them before me. If you talk to locals old enough to remember when the interstate system was built in Montana you get a sense of this. Those conversations are fascinating to me.

In conversations with myself, I find that my personal challenge is not to become bitter, which is a cathartic waste of time. It is hard to love when you are bitter, and I believe Geographic Proclamations of Love have been and will be one of the prime movers of conservation.
“Man always kills the thing he loves. And so we the pioneers have killed our wilderness. Some say we had to. Be that as it may, I am glad I shall never be young without wild country to be young in.” The Green Lagoons, A Sand County Almanac.

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