The Hangover


Too funny, if you liked Old School you will like this. Not one to bring the kids to though.
Finally got this from Netflix yesterday - it was well worth the 3 month wait.

The Wifey even liked it, but certainly not one for the 9 year old daughter.

Absolutely hilarious !! The credits put it all into perspective.
My guts are still sore from laughing so hard - Fat Jesus - my new hero... :rolleyes:

Alan Garner: Hello. How 'bout that ride in? I guess that's why they call it Sin City.
[awkward laughter]
Alan Garner: You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack... it grew by one. So there... there were two of us in the wolf pack... I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast!
Phil : You're not really wearing that are you?
Alan : Wearing what?
Phil : The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just ****in' with me?
Alan : It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.
Phil: So does Joy Behar.
A few more priceless classics...

Phil Wenneck: Oh, so you can't go to Vegas but she can f**k a bellhop on a Carnival Cruise Line?
Stu Price: Okay, first of all, he was a bartender. And she was wasted. And, if you must know, he didn't even come inside her.
Phil Wenneck: And you believe that?
Stu Price: Uh, yeah, I do believe that, because she's grossed out by semen.

Alan Garner: It was really nice meeting you.
Melissa: F**k off!
Alan Garner: You know, I was thinking of getting my bartender's license.
Melissa: Suck my dick!
Alan Garner: No, thank you.


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more Fat Jesus masterpiece's...

It would be so cool if I could breast-feed.

The Hangover Clip

Stu Price: So, uh, are you sure you're qualified to be taking care of that baby?
Alan Garner: What are you talking about? I've found a baby before.
Stu Price: You found a baby before? Where?
Alan Garner: Coffee Bean.


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