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The French Revolution Revisited


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Nov 28, 2001
Nearly 900 vehicles torched as French rioting rages on

PARIS (AFP) - Nearly 900 vehicles were torched and 250-plus people arrested as French police desperately battled the country's worst rioting for decades, which has now raged for nine consecutive nights.

Again, the bulk of the violence on Saturday hit deprived suburbs with large immigrant populations on the fringes of Paris, although rioting again spread to several cities elsewhere in France, following a pattern seen in recent nights.

With authorities seemingly powerless to stem the tide of violence despite the mobilisation of hundreds of riot police, gangs of youths set cars on fire around Paris, especially in the northern suburbs where the trouble began.

A hundred people were evacuated overnight from two apartment blocks in one northern suburb after an arson attack set dozens of cars alight in an underground garage.

Two textile warehouses and a car showroom were also torched to the northeast of the city.

A total of 253 people were detained for questioning, some of them minors caught with fire-bombs, police said.

Paris prosecutor general Yves Bot said that 897 vehicles had been burnt overnight Friday, including 656 in the Paris region.

Questioned on Europe 1 radio, Bot spoke of "organised violence" but did not say by whom.

"If I could give an exact answer, those people would already be under arrest," he said. "But we can see organised actions, a strategy."

Bot said that weblogs were asking other French cities to join the rioting in the Paris region.

Incidents on a smaller scale were reported in the southern cities of Toulouse and Nice, and in Lille and Rennes to the north.

The increased arrests were in line with priorities laid down for police by hardline Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy.

However, the intensity of clashes with police was less than on many nights since the violence began on October 27, sparked by the electrocution of two youths in the suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois after they hid from police in an electrical relay station.

Rather than attack police, many youths appeared to opt instead to run away after lighting fires, although some bottles, stones and petrol bombs were thrown.

The renewed violence began just hours after Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin held a crisis meeting with Sarkozy to discuss a response to the riots, France's worst civil unrest since the 1968 student revolts.

Sarkozy, whose tough law and order policies some have blamed for worsening the trouble, later made a surprise visit to a police command centre west of Paris, telling officers: "Arrests -- that's the key."

He urged them to get more information on those causing the trouble "so we can better understand how they're organised, because they are organised."

Sarkozy, who is aiming at a presidential bid in 2007, has pledged to clean up the crime-ridden streets of France's deprived suburban housing projects "with a power-hose", controversially referring to trouble-makers as "rabble".

The seemingly uncontainable violence has proved deeply embarrassing to the government, focusing global attention on the often terrible conditions in deprived suburbs, where largely immigrant populations complain of dismal economic prospects, rampant discrimination and heavy-handed policing.

French newspapers despaired on Saturday at the continued scenes of chaos.

"Are the police overwhelmed?" France Soir asked, referring to what it termed the "genuine guerrilla warfare" faced by officers.

Popular daily Le Parisien said many of those arrested were previously known to police, calling the youths burning cars "a mix of delinquents, recidivists and 'part time' rioters".

In contrast, Liberation, said the rioters were inspired by a combination of anger, urban deprivation, unemployment, policing and "their hatred of Sarkozy". press time the french army was seriously considering surrendering. :eek:

Melting pot socialism at it's finest.

For the Royalty that run the show, it's a good thing the guillotine still isn't in service...
and more from this on going saga/soap opera the French have brought upon themselves... :D:D:D

French urban violence worsens: 1,300 cars torched, 300 arrests

PARIS (AFP) - Arsonists torched 1,300 cars and police arrested 300 people across France as the urban violence which has rocked the country for 10 nights reached a new peak.

Police deployed helicopters and stepped up their arrests of youths responsible for the street violence, as troubles flared for the 10th consecutive night in suburbs around Paris on Saturday and spread to other French cities.

Copycat arson attacks hit the outskirts of Toulouse, Bordeaux, Montpellier and Pau in the south, Rennes and Nantes in the west, Lille in the north and Mulhouse and Colmar in the east.

The disorder also spilled into central Paris itself, where a petrol bomb set alight four cars near a major square, Place de la Republique, while half a dozen vehicles went up in smoke in the northwest 17th arrondissement, or district.

Despite calls for calm Saturday, 1,295 cars were torched overnight compared with 897 the previous night, while arrests totalled 312 up from 253.

Seven police helicopters fitted with powerful lights and cameras flew over Paris and some of the other cities in an effort to pursue and identify the youths, who have taken to setting fires then racing away, often on scooters.

Riot squads also broke down doors in a public housing estate in the western Paris suburb of Les Mureaux to arrest youths who had thrown objects, such as supermarket trollies, on them and on a nearby busy road.

Some 2,300 more police than normal were on the streets while additional firefighters were sent to the Paris region.

Most night bus services north and east of the capital were suspended overnight Saturday as a precautionary measure against ambushes which have seen at least two buses set fire to and destroyed.

Two people were slightly injured and 100 evacuated when an immigrants' hostel went up in flames at Athis-Mons west of Paris. Several other properties suffered fire damage elsewhere, including a McDonald's, two schools and a gym outside the capital.

In the western suburb of Evreux, four policemen were injured in clashes with a hundred youths, some armed with baseball bats, while dozens of cars and three shops were set ablaze and Molotov cocktails were thrown at a school, according to police and fire crews.

Violence also spread to the central Loire region, with fires started in Orleans, Montargis and Blois.

In the outskirts of Bordeaux, 25 cars were torched and nine people arrested as disorder spread to nearby towns.

Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, who visited a police command headquarters at Evry in southern Paris overnight, has said that the gangs responsible for the violence have become increasingly organised. They have been seen using mobile telephones to relay police movements and Internet blogs to urge unrest elsewhere.

Teenagers arrested in nearby Courcouronnes -- where police found a stockpile of crowbars, petrol bombs and iron bars -- were sheepish when approached by the minister, who has come under fire for his handling of the crisis.

"You're not very happy that your dad is coming to get you, are you?" Sarkozy asked one boy who shook his head but said his father knew he had been out.

Just before the riots erupted, Sarkozy had described delinquents in the suburbs "rabble" and vowed to clean up crime in the neighbourhoods "with a power-hose" -- comments that have angered people living in those areas.

Around 800 people have been arrested since the riots began, some of them minors. In all, more than 2,700 automobiles have gone up in flames.

"We have the government totally mobilised," a junior social affairs minister, Catherine Vautrin, told LCI television.

She added that President Jacques Chirac was coordinating with Sarkozy and her boss, Employment Minister Jean-Louis Borloo.

But the leader of the opposition Socialists, Francois Hollande, told Le Journal du Dimanche newspaper that "it's the whole of the government's policies and the president of the republic that are responsible" for the conflagration.

He said that Sarkozy, who hopes to become president in 2007 elections, "carries a large part of the responsibility" for his hardline law-and-order rhetoric.

The violence was sparked on October 27 when two teenagers, one of African and the other of Arab origin, were electrocuted while hiding in an electrical sub-station after fleeing a police identity check.

So far no one has been killed in the ensuing unrest, although at least two people have been badly burnt by Molotov cocktails: a fireman, and a handicapped woman unable to get off an ambushed bus. A 61-year-old was also in a coma after being hit by an assailant in a public housing estate.
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