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With all due respect, my wife is the elections official in our state, and this primary means nothing. We both actually chose to not vote. Your vote today means 0% to any outcome of the ballots to come. Nothing in this primary is official. It was actually all put together by the parties at hand as a phishing scheme. It’s an over glorified “poll” so they know who to target with their spam. My opinion, but I’d throw this ballot in the trash and focus on the issues for the true primary locally and the general
Interesting thoughts.

I read an article about a militia anti-government guy in N Idaho who didn’t vote because he didn’t want to register his name. He said his vote didn’t matter anyway.

I’ve been thinking about his comment on voting. My vote doesn’t count in Idaho because we’re a one party state. A lot of local positions don’t have opponents from the other party. My vote doesn’t really matter except for a few local issues.

I was considering not voting this election however a friend is running for county commissioner and there’s a school levy I want to support. Otherwise, my vote doesn’t matter.
Interesting thoughts.

I read an article about a militia anti-government guy in N Idaho who didn’t vote because he didn’t want to register his name. He said his vote didn’t matter anyway.

I’ve been thinking about his comment on voting. My vote doesn’t count in Idaho because we’re a one party state. A lot of local positions don’t have opponents from the other party. My vote doesn’t really matter except for a few local issues.

I was considering not voting this election however a friend is running for county commissioner and there’s a school levy I want to support. Otherwise, my vote doesn’t matter.
None of our individual votes matter . . . until they do.
Interesting thoughts.

I read an article about a militia anti-government guy in N Idaho who didn’t vote because he didn’t want to register his name. He said his vote didn’t matter anyway.

I’ve been thinking about his comment on voting. My vote doesn’t count in Idaho because we’re a one party state. A lot of local positions don’t have opponents from the other party. My vote doesn’t really matter except for a few local issues.

I was considering not voting this election however a friend is running for county commissioner and there’s a school levy I want to support. Otherwise, my vote doesn’t matter.
If there are local issues at hand, I take back my recommendation and thoughts of trashing the ballot. Our particular precinct only has the “presidential primary” and that was where my advice was aimed
Interesting thoughts.

I read an article about a militia anti-government guy in N Idaho who didn’t vote because he didn’t want to register his name. He said his vote didn’t matter anyway.

I’ve been thinking about his comment on voting. My vote doesn’t count in Idaho because we’re a one party state. A lot of local positions don’t have opponents from the other party. My vote doesn’t really matter except for a few local issues.

I was considering not voting this election however a friend is running for county commissioner and there’s a school levy I want to support. Otherwise, my vote doesn’t matter.
I feel the same. When there is an independent running in the bigger races I typically go that route in hopes that if the independent vote creeps up the two parties might start to run better candidates. It's not working but I'll keep trying.
Interesting thoughts.

I read an article about a militia anti-government guy in N Idaho who didn’t vote because he didn’t want to register his name. He said his vote didn’t matter anyway.

I’ve been thinking about his comment on voting. My vote doesn’t count in Idaho because we’re a one party state. A lot of local positions don’t have opponents from the other party. My vote doesn’t really matter except for a few local issues.

I was considering not voting this election however a friend is running for county commissioner and there’s a school levy I want to support. Otherwise, my vote doesn’t matter.
Thank you for supporting an Idaho school levy. They really help a district's ability to function.
Every time I see this thread popped up again all I think is


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We tried the "upsetting the status quo" guy. He tried to prevent the transition of power after he lost, and nothing else got all that upset. I'm sure you will argue "allegedly" I guess, but there are enough people doing time in prison to assume bad intentions. You and the crew aren't interested in facts or solutions. You live in a world of make-believe where somehow you are the victim.
That was a rather strained attempt to frame my opinion. THere has been more than one person on the forum and in the larger politic who has expressed the opinion that American citizens are not being well served by our current two parties. You jumped from that to Trump and Jan. 6th. You tried to make it appear that by proposing to change the status quote that I was advocating violence or some sort of upheaval. I neither stated that or implied it, nor endorsed it. If you are satisfied with the current status that act accordingly in the voting booth which it what I will do. I am sure that the powers that be will be happy to borrow another trillion dollars in another 100 days passing another continuing resolution until they get further funding for a losing war in Europe's backyard while they cannot even mange to meet their NATO obligation or playing further games with the mess that is the border. Yeah the status quo is great.
That was a rather strained attempt to frame my opinion. THere has been more than one person on the forum and in the larger politic who has expressed the opinion that American citizens are not being well served by our current two parties. You jumped from that to Trump and Jan. 6th. You tried to make it appear that by proposing to change the status quote that I was advocating violence or some sort of upheaval. I neither stated that or implied it, nor endorsed it. If you are satisfied with the current status that act accordingly in the voting booth which it what I will do. I am sure that the powers that be will be happy to borrow another trillion dollars in another 100 days passing another continuing resolution until they get further funding for a losing war in Europe's backyard while they cannot even mange to meet their NATO obligation or playing further games with the mess that is the border. Yeah the status quo is great.
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