The downside of a driven bird dog

I don’t deal with a lot of drool but the shedding is enough to make my pickup look like the van in dumb and dumber I think
The windows, all of them, were down. Except for a brief time on the freeway. She'll sit in the backseat, licking the door, drooling like this regardless of what windown is or isn't down.

Good thing she's a sweetheart.
Mine got to foaming kinda like that after he got into a box of wheat thins. Reduced fat ones to boot:)
True but disgusting story. The first dog I owned as an adult was a fine German Shorthair named Jake. Great bird dog but a drool machine. One day my young bride and I were entertaining another young couple we were friends with. We were too poor to own a dining room table, or even a dining room, so we were all sitting around the living room eating our chili off of little fold up dining trays. All of a sudden ol’ Jake decided to shake his head sending a big glob of drool in my direction. I ducked so I didn’t see where it landed but my so called friends did. It landed right in my bowl and I never noticed. Just finished my chili as if nothing happened. It was a good year later that Bill finally told me what happened, as he busted a gut laughing.
After seeing this I won’t complain about nose tracks on the windows.

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